Grabbing My First 10 Master Draw Batch | A Very Weird Battle Win

For the past few days since they introduce the team introduce the glint reward system, I was somehow happen when according to them, we get to choose what we will be getting as reward from the draw purchased system, at first I thought if we get the master draw, i will be able to get legendaries cards until I read the informations right beside it. Also at first my end of the season glint was around 90k and it increase to 150k based on my rating and close to champion league, I was already calculating the amount of draws I will be getting next season, glint isn't sellable or transferrable, so the best option is to spend it on draws, but recently the whole seasonal glint reward system got changed so people won't be able to game the whole system which is really understandable, it was finally reduced to 3x of our glint reward per match, one will go to the daily glint reward while 2x will move to the seasonal reward.

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So far I have spent more than 50k glint to elapsed my first master draw batch and at least I got some interesting cards but majorly epics which actually motivate me to level them up, now the fee already move from 5000 glint to 7500 glints, can't get more and I will just wait till next season when they restock the whole draw once again, also the team have more plans in place which we are gradually waiting for.

There is this surprising battle I had today, called it surprising because I really don't know what my opponent was thinking to actually take such move on me or maybe he thought there is no way I will actually think that through before picking what I picked, it was one of the low mana capped match which I do like but this time around the rule set given wasn't favourable, we had Going the distance which allow only range card in this particular battle, holy protection which give all cards the divine shield and heavy hittler which give all card the knockout ability.

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battle link

Even though we had 12 mana, I just had to make use of this to my best ability, first of all only range card, I need a close range card which can attack in first position, second is the heavy hitter (knockout ability), I need a stun based card for that then a piercing card. Checking all this conditions, I picked the piercing ability summoner from fire element then paired it with Lava Launcher because that is the only card that fit and it really have a strong attacking strength but my opponent decided to bring in a summoner that can reduce range attack and also Cornealus which can heal and also had the return ability, his main strategy is to counter my attack with repelling force but as a sharp guy, I check the most favourable method.

This card couldn't attack as a frontline like because there is no close range ability present, so that is the only way he can attack, so I was stunning him each round to prevent him from healing but the knockout didn't activate, after multiple attack, I destroy his card and won the game, it was somehow funny and weird match but maybe that is his best option at that particular moment but it is what it is


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