Checking Out The SPS Staking Multiplier Update | A New Beginning

Pheew! What a day, today have really been a hectic day on my end here since I have lot of things to do and also it is an important day for most splinterland players because the major updates we all have been waiting for got released some minutes ago, I mean the sps staking update which was announced will now be the new major requirement that will determined what you will be earning from your rank battle through the new reward multiplier system. When I heard the announcement at first, I really wasn't happy with it though since the collection power will be taking away and also the sps reward earned will reduced a lot but the benefits that came with it is make it more interesting. Collection power do limit the rank league you can reach since you need to have the required power to enter the next league so renting cards price for higher league was way high and I had to limit myself to Gold or diamond 3 league most times. Seem those moment are now over and we are back to the olden days where you can reach even the top league (Championship 1) as long as your ranked rating is at the top league requirement without any hinderance even if you dont have the required sps.

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This aspect is where I checked first after the update went life, because I don't really know how it will be even after reading the announcement, I had 1500 sps staked and when I checked my boost modifiers i was having x2.4 in total since I was in Sliver 1 with the hope of moving to Gold league and perhaps touch diamond which will be a good decision especially in the chest reward. I had to check out a battle first and I only got 0.07 sps as reward in modern league, it was surprising since I got 0.2 sps before the update, I decided to get more sps instead after checking out the multiplier chart image attached to the announcement post which contained the required stake sps for each modifiers at different levels. I'm just amazed at the total staked you need just to reach those higher 10x -12x level even in lower leagues, we just have to stick with one and build from there.

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This isn't the only major news, we now have the sps renting market which also went live today and this update really made everything way easier for users who won't be able to staked that amount of sps due to low capital. I had to also check this section out since I really need the sps, I wasn't sure how the renting fee will be at first because I was expecting high renting price which might not worth it since people will be renting a lot of sps just to increased their stake, but it was surprising since the highest order is around 0.008 dec per sps per day, I had to increase it to 0.009 just to have my order filled up quickly and I to rent 25k sps to test the water since the season will be ending in 9days. Glad it got filled up within 3mins

I just love the simplicity and it is easy to place a bid and also see other users bidding price, now my sps rewards is back to normal while I grind my way to the top. This is really good since it will boost lot of users who know the major benefits that come with this updates to actually rent some sps and grind their way to the top since there is no nothing stopping them as barrier now.

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