

We all deserve freedom, boys and girls all have the right to live freely. I have been arguing with my friends for some time now. I realized they were deviating from their real path. Faith in Allah is waning, which is not a good sign at all for a true Muslim. If you claim to be a Muslim, you have to accept some things even if you don't like them. Because this is the provision of the Allah. The mentality of a boy is different due to natural causes, so is a girl.

For example, a girl can offer love to her friend's brother with the help of her friend. That friend won't mind, Rather, she can help, but if a boy offers love to his friend's sister, there will be conflict. My point in giving this example is that, as much as girls take things in a normal, it may not be normal for boys.

There were also some girl friends in that argument. Suddenly someone asked, why do we have to wear a burqa? Why should we go out wearing a burqa? Can't the boys restrain their eyes?
;- As difficult as it is for you to go out wearing a full Islamic standard burqa, it is even more difficult for a boy to restrain his eyes. That is why Allah the Almighty has said in the Holy Qur'an to lower the eyes of boys and the girls are told to be veiled. In reality, neither of the two is observed.

When we go shopping, we choose to buy good shirts at low prices. And your life partner will not be selected? Even a short girl wants to have a tall husband in her life. Even a black girl dreams that her husband will be smart. A fat girl also wants her husband to be handsome. This is not wrong.

But the girls have taken it as a neglect of the boys towards themselves. Nowadays, girls consider boys as their opponents. A boy can expect a tall girl as his life partner. That doesn't mean he's hooting short girls. Take a look around you, see if any short girls want short husband as their life partner.

Earlier, a girl smoked a cigarette in public, which was discussed all over social media. No society or family accepts smoking. Whether he is a boy or a girl. If someone steals, will you steal too? If someone rapes , Would you be encouraged to rape? Certainly not. So why does an educated girl smoke cigarette in the public? Why are you encouraging? Is this the freedom of girls? You should have told everyone that no one smokes. But in the name of equal rights, you also sat on the street with cigarettes in your hand like brazenness. Nowadays, what girls have started in the name of women's rights is very unreasonable. Going against the laws of nature in the name of women's rights.

The child needs his mother always, not his father. What will happen to your child if you spend most of the day away? When we close our eyes, we remember our memories with mother. If your child closes his eyes, he will not remember anything except the time spent with the worker. Which may result in an old age home.

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