Let me make a shocjing revelation to you, do you know that Each year, about seven hundred thousand people take their own lives, this is far a large number of people whereas some of the suicides aren't been reported. There are more people who attempt suicide than those who actually kill themselves.

Suicide is a tragedy that affects everyone and has long-lasting effects. Suicide is a global public health issue that affects all regions of the world. Almost all of the suicides that occurred in 2019 happened in low- and middle-class countries.

A comprehensive multi-sectoral strategy is needed to prevent suicides. High-income countries have a well-established link between mental disorders and suicide, and many of those who take their own lives experience a breakdown in their ability to cope with life's stresses.

Being subjected to various types of violence and experiencing loss or experiencing conflict are also linked to suicidal behavior. Suicide rates are also high among some vulnerable groups such as refugees and migrants.

One of the most common causes of suicides is previous attempts. Around 20% of global suicides are caused by poisoning due to the use of toxic chemicals such as pesticides, hanging and firearms. Depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and other mental disorders are considered risk factors for committing suicide.

Certain behaviors, such as alcohol use disorder and drug addiction, can also increase a person's chances of committing suicide. Also, those who have previously tried suicide are at a higher risk of future attempts.

About 1% of the world's population kills themselves each year. The rate of suicide is higher among men than women. It is also more prevalent among people over the age of 70. Non-fatal suicide attempts are estimated to reach 10 to 20 million each year. In most countries, it is considered an offense towards God to commit suicide.

To understand what we are talking about, suicide is simply the killing of oneself intentionally due to a reason or the other.


There are various reasons why people commit suicide which ranges from individuals and most times the cause of suicide or individuals are not usually known. Below are some common reasons why people commit suicide.


People with mental illness are more prone to committing suicide than those without it. For those with a history of hospitalization for suicidal behavior, the risk of suicide is 8.2%. One in ten people who die by suicide has major depressive disorder.

Being diagnosed with this disorder increases the suicide risk by 20-fold. Individuals with autism spectrum disorders are also more prone to committing suicide. Being diagnosed with anorexia or bulimia is also a high-risk condition. Around 80% of suicides involve people who have seen a doctor within the year before their death. Being treated for mental health issues is also linked to an increase in suicide rates.


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A person's previous suicide attempts are also known to predict their future suicides. In most cases, those who have tried committing suicide die by suicide within a year. Over 5% of those who die by suicide in 10 years also die due to related causes.


Alcohol and drugs can also make people more prone to committing suicide, as they can make them more impulsive and act upon their urges. These two factors are also linked to higher suicide rates among people with depression. The link between substance misuse and suicide is second only to depression. It can also be linked to mental health disorders.

Most people who commit suicide are under the influence of drugs such as alcohol and benzodiazepines.

Benzodiazepines are known to cause psychiatric disturbances due to their effects on the body. It is also believed that the withdrawal symptoms from benzodiazepines are triggered by a psychiatric disorder. Around 2% to 4% of people who are treated for alcoholism die by suicide. Over 3 to 35% of those who die due to suicide are due to drugs. The use of alcohol is also linked to higher suicide rates.


Various psychological factors, such as depression, hopelessness, and low self-esteem, can increase the risk of suicide. Also, poor impulse control and the loss of abilities can contribute to this condition. Being isolated and sensitive to distress can increase a person's chances of committing suicide.

Other psychological factors such as being trapped in a stressful situation and having few reasons for living can also increase a person's chances of committing suicide. Changing the brain's stress response system can also make a person more prone to committing suicide.

Although there's a decrease around Christmas, the rate of suicide rises during the spring and summer. Being religious may help lower one's risk of committing suicide. However, it's believed that beliefs in the noble cause of suicide may increase one's chances of committing suicide.


A person can also decide to take their own life due to a loss or the fear of a loss. There are also various reasons why someone might commit suicide, such as being arrested or imprisoned for a crime, being bullied, or being rejected by a family or a close friend.


The person suffering from depression might feel that their situation won't improve even if they try to change it. This symptom could make suicide seem like a feasible option. It could distract people from the good things in their lives and make them believe that it's possible to overcome their condition.

Being in pain or suffering from a terminal illness can also make people feel like a burden to others. In many cases, those who commit suicide feel that they would be better off without their loved ones.


Social Isolation is another warning sign of suicide. It can also be triggered by various reasons such as losing a friend or a spouse, being diagnosed with a mental illness, or moving to a new location.

Being isolated from other people can also lead to depression and other mental health issues. In most cases, people who try to kill themselves don't really want to do it, as they realize that they don't know how to get help.
Unfortunately, most people who try to kill themselves fail, and their second attempts are more likely to be fatal. Suicide attempts are also more prone to failure.


The choking game, which is a type of suicide, involves teens suffocating themselves to create a high-pressure sensation. Other forms of accidental suicides include firearms and poisoning.

In conclusion, Reduction of access to gun and toxins can reduce a person's risk of suicide. However, reducing access to these methods can also make an impulsive decision less likely to succeed. Other factors such as alcohol and drugs can also be used to prevent suicide. Treating depression and drug and alcohol addiction can also help.

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