"নিখোঁজ তোমার ঠিকানা // Your address is missing" (আমার লিখা কবিতা // Original Poem)

Your address is missing.jpg

আজ মন আমার তোমাকে খুঁজে দাদু,
Today my mind yearns for you Grandma,
এই স্মৃতির মিলনে।
In the union of these memories.
আজ ছায়ায়, ছায়ায় মন হারিয়ে যায়,
Today in the shadows, in the shadows my mind wanders,
মনেরও অচিন, তোমার দেশে।
Unknown to the mind, in your country.
"নিবেনা আমায়?"
"Won't you take me with you?"

আমি খুঁজতে চাই সেই বিকেলের আলাপ,
I want to search for those afternoon talks,
সেই তোমার "দেখি তোকে কেমন লাগছে",
Your those words "let me see how you look",
সেই কথোপকথন।
Those conversations.
"সব কি মুছে গেলো, দাদু?"
"Did it all erase off, Grandma?"
তুমি কই আছো? আমায় দেখা দাও!
Where are you? Show yourself!

আজ মন খুলে আমি কাঁদতে পারিনা!
Today I cannot cry freely!
পুড়নো স্রোতে না মিশে বাঁচতে পারিনা!
I cannot live without indulging into our past!
আজ ভাষার সে গান, আমি গায়তে পারিনা!
Today I cannot sing alone the language song!
অহর, অহর, সেই স্মৃতির কত দাম আমি ভুলতে পারিনা।
Thousand, thousand, memories that I treassure I can never forget them.

আজ তুমি একাই ভেসে যাও,
Today you float alone,
নিখোঁজ তোমার ঠিকানা।
Your address is missing.
আপ্রাণ করে আক্রেরাখা, তা আর হলনা।
With all my heart I yearn to hold yourself to me, but it won't happen.
জীবন আমাদের সীমিত বটে, কে আদর করে রাখবে বলো?
Life is limited true, who will take care of us?
খুঁজে না পাওয়া জগতে পেয়েছিলাম তোমায় দাদু, আমার ভালো দাদু।
I found you in a world where nobody is for anybody, my good grandma.


In the midst of our chaotic life, we lose and gain many people. Yet, the essence of each of them remains in our heart, our minds, engraved as long as we long for it. These emotions are intertwined with so many relevant and irrelevant circumstances in our lives, from which we learn, we gain control over our life. Perhaps, without such memories we would end up developing unlike the self we are now. Elements of the magic key to surviving in the world is perhaps emotions. The key which drives you, which makes you differentiate from want and need, that which makes you exhalt and intake so much so or nothing. Hence, memories play a major role in stitching these emotions into place and bring forth more reliance to survive in a certain way.

If you are reading this, know that you have survived, you are surviving and you will survive. Also, you will choose your antibiotics accordingly and wisely, recovering and reparing yourself for your ideal self. You are enough for yourself with all the many memories of everything and everybody that you have acquired along the way and will continue so. Hold them close to your heart, keeping them alive; keeping yourself alive.

{Cover- Source}
{Antibiotics- Source}

Antibiotics is a term explicitly explained by @minhajulmredol in one of his post named after it. The defination seemed to be quite accurate to the word I was looking for, and it helps to connect and reflect. The credit is all his for enlightening this concept that I am able to relate.

I am happy to be a part of BDcommunity and none the less, a part of HIVE community.

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