Money does not buy Life, but poverty can buy Death.


The world is filled with good and bad days, we cannot escape this experiences. The only way you can scale through is to keep pushing, no matter what happens never give up.

Money does not buy life

Yes they say money is vanity, I agree with this but you have to understand money is very important, it determines the quality of your life, it brings out you true character and makes you live your life to the fullest. Never settle for less, money helps to accelerate your purpose, goals and talent you have. Make creating wealth your number one priority because that's is what defines how far you can go and achieve in life.

Poverty can buy death

We all know that lack of money and resources reduces the quality of your life. Imagine when been affected by a life threatening sickness and you don't have money to go for proper treatment.

I lost my Aunt because due to lack of money to treat her properly, I missed her so much, she was heavily sick and needed a huge amount of money for her treatment but we could not afford it,we struggled to raise a little money but it wasn't enough to bring our Aunt back to good health she was discharged when she was not that strong just because the hospital bill was accumulating and we could not afford to pay for the bills also, we lost our Aunt due to lack of money, if we had money she would have been alive till today poverty bought her death.

That have thought me a big lesson that keeps ringing in my head till today, the importance of wealth is a number one priority and you should never joke with this. Create wealth first and live a good life.

Money is vanity but poverty is worst than vanity.

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