Road Side Beauty of Uttara City In Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Natural resources can enhance the beauty of a city. So a perfect plan is very important for building a city and also very important for building a residential area. We know that Dhaka is a very populated city in Bangladesh. It was a mistake, by our previous generation. They build this city with the plan but that plan was not so perfect and organized. But nowadays a lot of residential areas are building across Dhaka City with a perfect plan Such as Gulshan, Uttara, Bashudhara, Mirpur DOHS, etc.


Uttara Become a Model of Residential area in Dhaka City, So It's called Uttara Model Town. Uttara Model Town is Most Planned Residential area in Dhaka City.

Let's See Some Objective of Building Uttara Model Town In Dhaka City:

  • Reduce the pressure of population in Dhaka city by creating suburban residential accommodation
  • Maintain environmental balance by proper urbanization.
  • Maintain an environmentally friendly and sustainable
  • atmosphere.
  • Reduce the prevailing acute shortage of residential properties.
  • Gradually expand civic facilities by urbanization throughout the surrounding areas.
  • Develop a new township.
  • Expand existing economic facilities
  • Mitigate future housing demands.
  • Src Wikipedia


    Suburban Residential accomodation is a very important development for balancing population density in a city. Uttara Model town is the propper planned Suburban Residential area.



    Urbanisation always stand agaist environmental balancing issue. Urbanisation means destruction of environmental ecosystem. But a proper and perfect planned urbanisation can reduce the percentage of destruction for building a residential accomodation in a city.




    The interal road if uttara residential city proved one thing that, the authority of uttara residential area tried to Maintain an environmentally friendly and sustainable atmosphere in uttara residential area.

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