No one cares!

You can take these words positively or negatively, it's up to you!


If you feel like you need to show your authentic self; if you want to express your true feelings; if you need to step back to have a better life; if you are feeling ashamed to start a new chapter of life because of people then I have big news for you!

No one actually cares!

What do you think? How longer people will care for you, focus on you and think about you? If you are an adult then the time will minimize itself. People move on, we all have our priorities.

So if you care too much about what others will think, then you can never live your life.

The thing is no one actually cares about your life, not me care for yours/ not you care for me. Not even our family members or friends, no one actually cares.

These are some harsh words, I know. But if you are matured enough you know what I mean...

It's not like people will not care for you, show you love and support and be there for you. But at the end of the day, you will be all alone! Because we all carry some boxes and find our comfort in that. It's no one's duty to check on you forever.

Now you may say that, then why the world is still running, why so many help programs, so many org is working to reach and help people around the world? Nope, I don't mean my words on that large scale but on our personal level.

'No one cares' also comes to us with other meanings too. Let me give you an example so you can have a more clear idea!


Suppose you are feeling down for days. Your friends will check on you, the family will ask if they can help, and so on. But what do you think? For how long? If you are an adult you will notice the period minimizes. And it's normal. We all have our life priorities.

If you know, you know what I mean...

That's when it makes the opportunity to take good care of yourself. Because you know, no one will care for you at the end of the day, it's only you for yourself. So it's better to spend more time on ourselves, no?

I'm not asking you to be selfish but to understand life's math...Maybe I'm wrong or maybe you are still not into this life game...but believe me, you have to face this game sooner or later. So be prepared!

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