Dealing With It.

No one is perfect and if anyone wants to claim perfection then that person must be living in a cocoon world of self-delusion. No one has it all together because we know in parts. Life is a bundle of lessons and we all have demons to tame and things to deal with. I shared yesterday the importance of dealing with our fears so I wouldn't be talking too much about that again but I will touch on other aspects of fear.


When you allow fear to inhibit you then you will always see others living the life you dream of and see them go to places you have always wanted to go to. You will see others fulfilling the desires you've had for a long time which fear has caged you from attaining. No one can know the things you can do if you don't stir up those things in you. Fear has killed a lot of talents and ruined a lot of people with potential.

Fear has its antidote as it is to act from the motivation of love. We get scared most of the time when we try to impress others or get worried about what others would say or think. You can overcome that aspect of your life when you have the right motivation. It's never about others, at first but about you. When you have overcome that, then you can be a blessing to others.

Having a life is self-discipline would prove pivotal for you to overcome your fear. How? You don't wish to get to the top but you have to be diligent. When you are diligent and focused, it's natural for you to silence those voices that want to instil fear in you. Nothing ever happens by mere wishing, you have to act it out.

A lot of people also need to deal with their insecurities. You have to choose carefully what you respond to. Something must stir you up. Something must be the reason why you wake up daily to make a difference in the way you can. A man who lacks the desire to be stirred up by something would always have insecurities to contend with.

Most people cannot accept good things happening in the lives of others. They want to be the only ones to enjoy those good things. They feel they are better deserving than those who get those things. If you are like that then you are insecure. Most people also don't know that they can never attract the things they attack. It will always get away from them because they are insecure due to the success of others. It's criminal to take the trophy for the race you didn't run just like it's bad for you to take the stage that has not even been given to you. It would always end in disgrace.

A lot of people also need to deal with procrastination. Procrastination is indeed the thief of time. Anyone that wastes an hour in the morning would spend the whole day searching for it. What needs to be done should be done when it should be done. We always want to enter this rest mode that we put off a lot of things. We feel we have enough time on our hands until time keeps slipping away from us. Life is about staying focused and running our race. No one would run yours for you and whatever is handed to you without actually working for it would never stand the test of time.

Today is the tomorrow you talked about yesterday and still, you are not doing anything about it. The more you put things off the more time creeps in on you. There can never be a perfect condition for you to do the things you would have loved to do. Have you ever imagined that when you postpone the things you are to do today till the next day, you are simply adding to the workload of tomorrow? I'm making this post at midnight. I felt I would do it tomorrow but knowing the things I have outlined for tomorrow, I know I have to seize the time and when I am able to do all I should on time, I can have a deserved rest and we go again...

Don't forget, the higher the load (based on the things you put off, the higher the frustration).

Lastly, a lot of people need to deal with laziness. They feel they don't have enough to make things happen but they are just being lazy to look around and inward. You always have something to do but you won't do them because you are just lazy. Another set of laziness is when you don't always finish what you have started. You started a book to read and you stopped picked another book and stopped halfway. You started a business and stopped halfway...

A lot of people have assignments left undone, relationships they never cultivated, places they never went, and deals they never sealed (they should learn from @galenkp on how to be diligent and close deals with basic strategies). You should read this post and you can thank me later: [Behind the door].

Nothing comes easy but whatever life throws at us we just have to get on with it and deal with it.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.

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