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The evil inside you

They say no human is perfect , I do not know if that is really supposed to be some words to console myself or make me feel better about myself but huh I am not happy with myself because yeah I can be a very sweet person , I can really be so nice, so honest, fun to be with, motivating , i am a happy person too and I can be so caring but there is one evil that is inside me , guess what that evil is ?? ANGER!!!!!!

I have what I will call "anger issues " , yeah I get angry so easily and quickly , though the anger might last for just few minutes but it happens so quickly and that is really affecting me both in my personal relationships and friendships..

I do get angry even over things that should not really have made me become so angry or worth any form of anger , sometimes the anger becomes a form of rage and at that moment it seems to be like i am ready to become violent if I do not control the rage..

It is been happening for some years though I am really working towards myself to find a solution to the anger issues I am having, the great news is that the anger is reducing compared to before, now I can be with people for days without getting angry unlike before that I get angry everyday , well I do not expect my anger issues to all go overnight because it never started overnight too but I believe gradually with willingness and dedication and a great professional help then I should be able to defeat that evil inside me...drops pen...

Image by @zayedsakib

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