My first battle, Pairing Avina the Wolf with Uriel the Purifier: A Good Combo

I have had it in the back of my mind that I'm going to eradicate anything like laziness or procrastination from my life. And one of my goals this year is to start playing splinterland game. I was so extremely busy last year that I couldn't even think of learning the game, so procrastination is also one of the reasons I couldn't achieve it. I've said I'm going to make it done this year, and that's what I'm trying to do. To put this into action, I told a friend and a brother to teach me how to play the game, and he told me it would cost me $10 to buy the spell book. I did not think twice about it; I purchased the spell book using my account on Hive to pay.

Unfortunately for me, I didn't link my Hive account to the Splinterland game. Which makes it difficult for me to rent and buy cards. This is because the name I used to open my splinterland is different from the one I have on Hive. That means I wasted $10 because, obviously, I'm yet to see what to do about the account. I did not allow that to weigh me down. I use my Hive account to register and link it with Splinterland, which means I have to purchase another spell book, which I did without thinking about it.


My battle link

My mentor @valchiz took his precious time to explain all I needed to me He taught me how to select the cards, how to rent the cards, and which game I needed to start playing. He gave me an assignment, and I need to get back to him about it. It was so hard at first, but now everything looks so simple. It's only what you don't learn that you won't know. and I appreciate that. For the past three days now, we have been learning, and I know I have a long way to go, but believe me, I have to give honor to whoever deserves it. I have to say big thanks to my brother, who took his time without any complaints to explain everything to me. Based on the theme for the week, we were told to share our achievement and also a remarkable battle for the week, I had to share this one which I think worth sharing especially how I use avina the wolf, It was a battle I had with acolyte in a standard rule set with 33 mana capped and we could from any element of our choice, since we had huge mana cap, I went for life element instead.

My team


My opponent team


I chose Avina of the Wolf as my summoner, then chose (URIEL THE PURIFIER) in the front row because, firstly, it's a melee card and it's got different abilities. Flying has a 25 percent chance to evade melee or ranged attacks from the units; that's the one that doesn't have flying ability. Recharge ability: it's 3X damage and attacks every other round and since it is really a strong card to me, I apply the extra heal ability from avina to it so it can be more strong and hold the frontline position.

I selected the ulundin regulator for its unique abilities, and I realized I needed to use it if I was going to win the battle since the Opportunity ability can attack from any position and True strike wont make it miss any attack even with the 1 speed.

I also select two magic cards with special abilities: Thanalorian with snipe, lookout abilities. Together with Meriput Magician with Tank Heal which will always heal uriel every round to make it more stronger And finally, Celestianal Harpy with flying, opportunity abilities

My opponent wasn't that bad; I'm just luckier than him. At round two, when I destroyed one of his cards, I knew I was going to beat him with no mercy. I destroyed another card in round three. We played five good rounds, and he was unable to destroy any of my cards. I was so happy, probably because I'm still learning. But winning gives you more joy to keep learning and doing well.

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