Things To Be Grateful About - [Shorts]

I walked toward my mom and just simply asked, "What are you grateful about?" She ignored me first with a smile because of this kinda unexpected sudden question. Later she simply answered that she is grateful for everything, that includes every good or bad happening around her, she regrets nothing as regrets don't help in any way. Well, that was all from her, let's move on.


What are the things I am grateful for? There was a time when I used to look at my lackings more than the things I have achieved, an image with mostly failures. But from the time I started to give importance to the tiny things, everything became easier than before to tackle, even those failures started to seem just like a hindrance on my way that I got stumbled.

If I ask myself to name the first thing that goes through my mind with the word grateful, it will be 'my family'. They are fine, that's the most important thing to be grateful for me right now. Mom had to undergo surgery in January. Dad had gone through a Phaco Surgery this month for his cataract problem. When your parents go through this one after another, what would you seek more than their fast recovery? And I am grateful that they are recovering pretty fast and doing well.

I can talk about hundreds of the privileges I have, I can be grateful for them, even all the tiny things that made me happy are the reasons for me to be grateful. But the only thing that goes over and over again is my family, this has always been a big portion of my gratitude. Whether it's the reason for the freedom they have always given to me or the reasons for always being around me or it's my concerns about their well-being, my family was always the center for me to be grateful about.

All the contents are mine unless stated otherwise.

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