The Evil Inside You - [Shorts]

Trust me, I am a good person, people who know me personally would also agree on this boldly. Yet there lies an evil inside me that often tries to win over my goodwill, sometimes goes beyond my control, and does the damage.

So what does it do? It takes revenge, yeah revenge. Generally, I believe that an eye for an eye would make the whole world blind, but that evil inside me pays no respect to my morals, poor me!

Often I would see myself boiling for revenge, craving to hit back for the strike made on me, yearning to make the equation balanced. This is not the usual me, but when I am on it, I am pretty much aggressive and determined. For the record, I slapped one of my friends, humiliated another one publicly, and also made sure some of the others felt the warmth of the evil that resides inside me, these are some of the evil deeds in my name. Am good at math so it has always been made sure that it's paid equally, not more or any less.

As for the conclusion, this evil of mine always stays low as I have more control over myself but sometimes it goes on hunting with its evil deeds that I am scared of too.

Thumbnail credit goes to @zayedsakib

Today's prompt is "The Evil Inside You." So bring out the evil that resides within you and give us a view of that.

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