Perfection, Want and Contentment

As a person we all want a better life, we want to be able to have anything we want and have it whenever we want.
We pursue perfection, we want a better life, better job, husband or wife of our dream. But the thing is, life it's self is not perfect and we don't always get what we want.
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When our standard of living is enough for us, it is part of our nature to want more, maybe to become more richer or aquire more wealth. Am not saying we should not have ambition for something good, but what am trying to say is that even though we are trying to aquire more thing to satisfy our own desire, we should not forget that we are just trying but that doesn't mean we will get it because this world does not revolve around us and we should try to be satisfy with the little wealth we have.
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When we are little, there comes a time when we are ask about our career goals or what we want to become in the future. Becoming anything in life requires hard work and commitment, but even with all these it does not guarantee that we will become what we want, in life there is a lot of things that we don't have control over. So what we should do is to learn contentment or try adapt to situation, it doesn't mean we shouldn't pursue our dreams or goals but when this dream become something that isolate you or hurt the people you love, we should be able to understand that it's not worth it to lose love to gain a career that will only last some decades if not less, because there will come a time that same career will not be able to replace the those you love.
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We all want to have that perfect husband or perfect wife, the man or woman of our dreams. But the truth is that perfect relationship is not about having that perfect partner but we trying to make our relationship a good one, where we can trust, tolerate, learn to forgive and commit ourselves to. Perfection in relationship those not happen in the begin of a relationship or marriage, perfection is when we and the person we love look back and smile because we remember the hard work we've put into the relationship and still we are both still standing together. For me that is a perfect relationship because you didn't let that struggle of life come between you two and destroy a relationship you've built or are building.

Commitment+Tolerance+Endurance+Love in a relationship is equal to a perfect relationship.

My name is Megatey. I blog on philosophy and life issues. For more of this article, you can visit my blog. If you enjoy this article, feel free to Upvote, Reblog and Comment. Thank You

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