1,2,3 snap!

A cold breeze makes its way through leaving goosebumps as she finds herself laying in the midst of dried leaves. Sluggishly, she gets back on her feet to embrace a blank mind with no clue of where she was or how she got there. Julia is only 17 but has had several cases of drug abuse, she found herself getting overdosed on hard drugs and doing crazy things. For the most of her life, her experiences with it have remained lucid, but for the first time she had gone overboard.

Where am I? She asked and got no response from the cold bush. She spins around several times trying to figure out how she may have gotten there. Uhh, a trail! She turns and notices a trail of blood leading to where she was standing. Is this mine? Her mind thought, on looking far ahead to where it came from, she realized a tick and dark corner which seemed to be the only way out of her crazy loop.


Without giving it a second thought, she ran into the dark space, tumbling on logs several times and hurting herself, immediately Julia made it past the cold leaves, she found a crowd of herself surrounded with candles. At this point, her heart was racing faster than her thoughts, her breath went louder as fear grew on her. She found monsters of different shapes tormenting her look alikes, then there was a single monster with no one to torment, she figured she was the missing body…

Her blood which she trailed back led to a small campfire surrounded with different meat spices. Arrgghhh, the monster roared as he spotted her, she equally made a loud scream as it came fast running after her. As Julia tries to run right back to where she came from, 1,2,3, snap! she felt a painless shock that pulled her out of his nightmare. Profusely breathing, she looked around seeing all her family members around her, she broke down into tears as her addiction had the best of her…

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