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A Wise Answer


King Agorkorli had a habit of putting puzzles to his subjects who were not able to answer. He was always insulting his subjects for being stupid and incapable of thinking on their feet. Truth be told, some of his puzzles were so strange that it will take 10 geniuses to make one attempt and they might still not have it right.

One Saturday morning, the nephew of King Agorkorli came to visit his subjects. He followed his uncle to the presence of the King as his accompanied the servants to bring the King's breakfast. Whiles there, he noticed that the King was shouting at his subjects who had their heads bent low. He asked his uncle about what was happening and his uncle told him about King Agorkorli's habit of puzzling his subjects.

The nephew asked for permission to hear the puzzle and attempt at it. His uncle although terrified of being on the King's bad side asked for the puzzle to be repeated. The King said, "How many crows are there in this kingdom". The young nephew courageously stepped forward and said, "Oh high and mighty King, there are 23,641 crows in this kingdom". "Young man, how can you be so sure", replied the King. "You can ask your servants to count my King. If there are more than 23,641 crows, then some are visitors who have come to visit their relatives and if there are less than 23,641 crows, some have left to visit their relatives in other Kingdoms", said the young nephew. The King was left dumbfounded.