The Straight Way!



Time flies like the down-streaming river that has a only destination towards the Sea. The concept of time made people wonder since the moment when people have got a kind of idea about it. We divide it in seconds, minutes, hours, days, years and even in light-years. However, don’t think that I am going to write something about the Brief History of it! No my friend not today. Rather, I want to draw your attention on something new.
Let’s see, is it new to you or not. We have the general concept of the passing time as you can simply call it going forward. There is no back gear or you can’t move it to the future. The ideas of Time Travel and many stories and concepts of science fictions has come from this wonders of time and the puzzle behind it.
I’m not an expert on this issue. But what I’ve find out recently is quite different for me to swallow at the very first place. In many cultures around the world the concept of time is different or I must say sometimes it is upside down. In their perception of time it is not just something that only moving straight onward; rather it moves parallel with the past and future.
In simple words, they don’t just consider present is the only phase we are perceiving our existence; for them the past or you can say the ancestors as well as the future is also co-existing with the present time they are living in.
I guess that is the core influential reason for the subtle cultural and sometimes religious values of the ancestors. At first, I was bewildered thinking about it in a sober mind. But when I started thinking it with another perspective, let’s say it their perspective; I started to amaze.
Writing about time is not easy, but thing I want to remind you here is that now you can relate and I think this idea of understanding other’s and their unique perception of natural world help me to understand them as they are. And which is important to keep in mind.
You can see many people performing their life in a way that might be considered as weird stuff for many of us. But if we give it a closer observation, you will know more. And I think it is knowledge which makes this humankind unique in collaboration.
However, while I was sharing this concept with one of my friend, he was like what the ….! I didn’t think it like that way before. He also added some stories about some culture and the people’s concept of things which is far more differ with us. But I think we should respect others perception and shouldn’t put them under the judgmental Lance.
And then, he told me something more interesting. At first, he told me to think about the upcoming tomorrow; Or, you can take today as for example. My friend have you ever thought this Today we are talking about is also Yesterday; and if I say it is the very Tomorrow we were decided to met at this beautiful Coffee Shop.
I was like, Wait! Whaaaaaat!? That means you are telling me we’ve also same kind of idea which I mentioned above. He nodded.
In every Today there is Yesterday and for tomorrow; I have no idea!

Thank you for reading my post.
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