BDC Shorts: Prompt of the day. [Day 3]

And we are here, with another batch of amazing prompts for you guys! Again, we must say we love how everyone is responding with our little project. Posts outside of our shorts prompts also do delight us a lot. So we humbly thank you all for participating.


Now, here are some of the shorts posts we adored from our previous prompts.


Thank you for your participation and the amazing post.

Walter white, from breaking bad by the end of the show, truly breaks bad. He kills and goes to the extent inconceivable again and again just to survive. Just to live and keep the soul reaper one more day at bay. For that, he pays with blood, of his family, of his friends. But, in the end, the net gain is zero, which is how it is supposed to be if you really think about it. Life itself is a zero-sum game.


Thank you for your participation and the amazing post.

High fantasy is a subgenre of fantasy where the creator/author imagines an entirely new world from the scratch and then fills it up with fictional races, species, and histories, for example, Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones. It is generally opposed by the Low-fantasy genre, where the fantasy part takes place on Earth and in real locations, such as Harry Potter.


Thank you for your participation and the amazing post.

Part of the reason George is my favourite is how I can easily relate to him. He is balding, I'm balding. He is miserable at 30, I'm miserable in my 20s. He is hopelessly attempting to love, I'm seeing myself on that path. Similar to me he is also a terrible human being while sometimes attempting to be humane. See, how equally he and I fare? Also, almost all of his quotes are iconic.*


Thank you for your participation and the amazing post.

Besides all of these, I adore Dwight for several reasons. Though he is portrayed as a practical and unemotional being, he unconditionally loves his co-workers and never tries to brag about it. He is always helpful and actually cares for the company Dunder Mifflin.

Thank you fellow authors for submitting your wonderful shorts! We enjoyed it greatly.

Now lets move on to todays prompt!


In those frigid, most misty nights, when cold seeps through to the bones and the heart aches for a lover's touch that's absent, do you become sad as well? These desperate hands of mine search for a blanket, for warmth almost forgotten, still relentless and still exploring yet fail to find what they seek, 'You!'

Human heart is complex beyond any known measure. And everyone experiences its wants and longings differently. How do YOU experience them? We would love to know.

The lack of a cool breeze makes this heatwave even more tough to bear. The unkind scorching ball of fire floating above shows no mercy, yet life doesn't take a pause. And that's the life of Bangalis these days. Added with a faltering crypto market, life is even more hectic.

How is life treating you? What are the goals you are striving to achieve? Tell us!

Mind, what a tangled bundle of mystery you are. While the matter of hearts pushes you towards feelings, empathy, meaningful bonds, urges you to take the paths filled with emotions. Matters of mind tend to do the complete opposite but at the same time, maintaining a parallelism. It often gives the most rational, logical and practical solutions, tends to stop us from making a complete fool of ourselves well if you have enough common sense or perhaps sometimes it consumes nothing but random shitty thoughts, or better yet, attract random minds on your shitty matters.

But whatever silly annoying or logical choices it usually makes, the matters of mind are not always a bed of roses, like perks, it also holds the thorns. You know why? Because the devil loves to stay there, whispering the sweet cunning melodies of downfall. So, what will you do while dealing with the matters of mind? Do you conquer or walk towards the downfall?


  1. Shorts must not be, well, big. We are looking for posts between 100-400 words, so let's try and keep it that way, fam.

  2. Please use the tag #shorts on posts so that it's easier for us to find you. And if you put the word shorts in your title, then bonus points for you!

  3. Try not to write about the same topic/prompt too often. Mix it up and have fun; that's all we ask.

  4. Engage and talk to everyone. Praise your fellow short writers and encourage them to continue with their pieces. Let's all get to know each other while we are at it.

  5. If anyone is found using reward apps on their shorts posts in BDC, they will be muted from the community. Repetitive actions will cause them to be downvoted, so please, refrain from using any reward apps on posts.

Thank you everyone! Hope you all have a great time writing!

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