The long lost gift


I was looking at the river, watching the flow of her, full of life. The scent was like something that lived thousand of years. Suddenly I realize someone was holding my hand too tightly. When all my thoughts were gone I heard "I will be with you forever" in very sweet voice. I forgot she was with me, talking about her daily life, nonstop. I was listening to her. When did I stop hearing her voice, I don't know. She was looking at me and her eyes were full of expectation. Looking at her I realized, she knows what I am going to say. And I tried to say it too. But I said,
"When the time itself is a illusion, how can I believe your words?" - in low tune.
She asked with shocked voice "did u just said something?"
I was confused. Was she surprised that I talked or she was reacting what I just said.
I replied "That was nothing" and looked at her, all the expectation was gone, Felt really bad for her. But she was still holding my hand like before. She stood up and said, "Lets walk a little". She was so close to me, I could feel her warmth. And she was still talking. I couldn't hear thing, just hearing her voice. I felt like I was blind and deaf but only her existence I can feel, hear and touch. I was happy for a brief moment. I thought at last love touched me, flowed through me, bonded me with a such beautiful being who kept me far from ascending and others.
Suddenly a pitch dark voice whispered "Why you are doing this? you know how this is going to end. You will hurt this one badly"

I smiled a little and thought "The faceless felt love too".

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