Busy Day With Vaccine…

Hello people, hope all of you are in good health. Also, hoping that the people in Ukraine be safe😔.

Today was a very eventful day for me. Let’s start from the beginning. Yesterday night, a friend of mine asked if he could join me for the vaccine as I was to go the next day. I said sure I’ll let you know.


Morning arrived and he told that to inform if the hospital was giving Pfizer or not. Yeah, he does that. Moving on. I arrived at the hospital at 8:30 am, early morning. The place? Mohakhali, DNCC Dedicated COVID-19 hospital.


As I strolled in I saw that the hospital had 2 sides. One for entry and another for the vaccine. I went straight to the army officer who was distributing the token to the people. I was handed the token and I was surprised to say the least when I saw that my number was 1149! I was taken aback. How early did the people get there for the vaccine? How did more than a 1100 people arrive before me? Many more questions arose in my mind as I made my way into the vaccine area. I went further inside and saw a few people sitting in the footpath, maybe they’re the OGs to the place, the early ones.


Then I saw a plethora of people in front of the entrance to the hospital awaiting their number. I was taken aback as how did so many people come here, moreover if even one of them have covid what would the point of having the vaccine be? I didn’t want to stay amongst the crowd but I had to go in to find a guy who was distributing a form. The little guy was amid a swarm of human looting the form from the guy. I took it and procured a pen from a person nearby, I then filled in my details and stood like an idiot in the sun for a good hour.


Some time later, the army officers asked us to get a photo copy of the form that I had filled up. The photocopy for the men and woman were separate, for woman there was one already present inside the entrance of the hospital chambers. As for men, we had to get it from outside. So there I and many others stormed off to the small place. As you can see they had quite the business that day. They made more money than usual as they charged more than double for a photography of a paper. The normal price was 2 taka but seeing so many people who needed it they cranked it up to 5 taka. My serial number was 1149, let’s say that there were 600 men, so 600 multiplied by 5 is 3000 taka. Not a bad haul.


I was getting bored and heated up due to the direct light of the sun and decided to walk it off. I went back and forth the hospital and understood a key point. Before it I must add that was never involved with hospital related stuff as I was kept aside and didn’t know how it functioned. After taking this pic I understood as to why the emergency place faced forward, for instant help for the critical situations. Pretty handy how the architecture worked, maybe all the hospitals are made this way and I am the idiot who never knew it. Well, better late than never,


As I went for a second time to the gate of the hospital I saw the cars parked in a curved manner. In my mind, I knew that these poor metals were being roasted. A roasted slab of metal 😜. Also, if they were present for some time then truly this inside of the cars must have enough heat energy to generate a whole damn building, if we could make such a thing in the future. Maybe somehow using a solar panel and attach it with the electric/Tesla car’s engine which would be the energy provider instead of electricity, a total non polluting car indeed. More research for such a thing is required of course. Such ideas I usually get in my shower or other boring times. My mind works in mysterious ways…


More time passed. This was the time when my online classes would start. I attended it for some time standing beside a tree until my phone was heating up and the charge was depleting like cotton candy inside one’s mouth. I wasn’t surprised to see that the people were getting agitated due to the intense waiting and the hot sun. Eventually some people in the front all together were advancing and climbed above the stairs. A mess of young and old men and boys just standing and we’re getting nowhere with the line. After almost 10:00 am only 250 men and 300 women according to their token numbers were called. I estimated that if they were calling 250 people every 30 mins them my number would be called after 12 pm. Easy assumption. Now that I think about it, maybe the people of the hospital arrived lately and hence the delay on the vaccine. This was the moment where I phoned my friend to come to this place as more people were coming in and his serial would be in the horrifyingly further away from mine. He said he had no problem as he had all the time in the world.


Just as I had suspected, my number arrived by 11:50 am and was take to the entrance of the hospital. Inside a huge line awaited me. Imagine being in a line to enter a line of people that would line up again outside the vaccine room. That is exactly what had happened.


This was the line that I arrived into. A long one at that, waited for another 15 minutes. My phone charge was down to 30% and I was running out of music to pass the boring minutes. Honestly, doing a plank would make the time go faster than the time dilation I was observing.


As I went closer to the desk that would assign me a dose I saw this and almost cracked off. I don’t need to add anything here I think, just see the fourth option for the don’ts XD. It was hilarious at how incredible length some people would go as to avoid their mask and wear it in that manner which was spotted and pointed out!!😂😂😂

Finally I was assigned and I told my friend that Pfizer was available. He then said that he was about to be off for this hospital.


I got my dosage and he phoned and said that he was already outside waiting for his turn. His number was 3789 and his friend’s one was 4467. Bruuuuuh😂😂. He had to wait for a good 3-4 hours as only the people with number of 1200 from me and 1700 from women was being administered. I met the guy and chatted for a while. I told that I had an exam and had to dash off as it might start before I even reach home. It would start at 1 pm, it was 12:10 pm already😐.


I took another picture and remembered the boring time spent and decided to arrive for my next dosage at 6 am!
I took a CNG shortly after. I reached home by 12:58 pm. Made it in due time. The quiz didn’t start and I fired up my laptop and opened the tabs.

Fast forward to 2 pm. I had given my exam and honestly I think that I did ok. Considering that fact that all the questions were going above my head and the many answers looked appealing. I do hope I did good.


The pain from the vaccine was setting in and I decided to reward myself for going through one stressful event to another. I heard that the best biryani was provided by Sultan’s Dine. I ordered it and honestly it was delish! Very much I must say. I must add that I didn’t eat anything prior to the vaccine thing and this was the first meal of the day. Costed my about 280 thanks to a discount code, it’s original price showed 420 taka. After finishing the meal I remembered that I had no soft drink🥲.

So I went outside so for it. The pain was starting. By pain I only mean the construction of muscles around my ball and socket joint by the arm. Bought 2 dews and another off brand drink and boy was it filling.

Thanks for reading my eventful journey. Enjoy the rest of your day and stay well. Bye now…

(Nope I made This)

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