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Predatory model of the human species and the need for reforestation and conservation

The current predatory model of the human species has made it evident worldwide that there is a need to reforest and conserve existing forests in order to minimize the biological and ecological impacts caused by the development of industrialized countries. In developing countries there is a significant area of unused land.

▶ Credits: sciencedirect – [Image of Public Domain]

▶ Credits: Michelleraponi – [Image of Public Domain]

▶ This is why the destruction of tropical forests and its various consequences are considered a global problem. Sub-tropical eco-regions do not escape from this problem, and there is interest in applying these conservation methods, since they have soil and climatic conditions suitable for any production system.

However, in recent years, due to the growth of livestock in the area, a negative environmental impact has been generated by the archaic customs of producers to kill the weeds in the pastures, without visualizing that plants are considered ornamental, beautiful and with a great economic potential.

Such is the case of plants belonging to the Zinginberales order, which include a series of tropical species whose beauty is typical of jungle regions. Their exceptional coloring defines them as highly valued plants in many countries, which is why they are in great demand in the market of national and international florists for their use in floral arrangements.

▶ Credits: MarjonBesteman – [Image of Public Domain]

Given the need to conserve these plant species and the economic importance that this family represents, it is necessary to develop proposals to collect species belonging to the Heliconiaceae and Cannaceae families in order to establish collections or germplasm banks.

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