The HOC Community has landed

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If you didn't see my link in the discord then I'm going to talk about it now here: So! @bitcoinman and @bulliontools have banded together to create a nice little hive community based on onboarding new users. I am not currently aware of the struggles new users undergo because I'm far removed from the process anymore. Last time I joined this place for the first time was in July 2016, which in crypto terms is a long, long time ago.

Anyway, the HOC Community (Hive Onboarding Committee) aims to help new users with getting acquainted with this place. Think of them as the community that will be training wheels for noobs as they make their way through the busy waters of hive and hive engine (or tribaldex if that is their flavour).

It has long been discussed that getting started on hive is a barrier in itself. There's many hoops to jump through, and private keys to remember and nail down, and then you're left with a blank page with absolutely no help whatsoever - how does one even get started in this place?

If you're lucky enough to get started and you're a seasoned blogger like I am then don't even think about using the old tips and tricks to get ahead, they just won't work here -- many a large bloggers, and vloggers have came here seeking fame only to run back with their tail between their legs because you need to show up consistently on hive as well as put in the work for your content.

It's almost like a full time job making it worthwhile here. You absolutely have to start again, but it's totally worth it. If you're up for the challenge that is.

So these guys have started the community here: created/hive-193566

You can post in it if you like, and we are trying to collect seasoned hiveans to help with the process as well. This isn't something they are doing to make money, but mostly to help other people smoothly transition over. Sometimes it can be tough, you know?

Take me for example. When I came to hive I was already a seasoned vet to the blogging game. My blog had thousands and thousands of views weekly and I had big name deals on the cards with large posting companies, and then I came to hive and all my dreams were realised.

I managed to get myself a vote from Dan himself, it took my post to over $2000 and damn was I blinded by the almost crazy amount that was for just one post. I was used to selling $100-$200 spots on my blog but never getting $2000 in one bash.

So I came to hive. But all good stories must come to an end and that quickly dropped off as my rewards went to almost zero overnight. I think I had another Dan vote and that was it - straight to the cliff edge with me. And that can be a daunting cliff especially when you come here expectant. I think I was hive's only real published person at that time.

And well, I'd like to help people with this transition myself. It's not about the money you make but the connections you can foster. There's a lot of really influential people here lurking in the shadows if you make the time to find them. Some with skills that they are just itching to showcase given half the chance.

And that's why I'd like to be involved in any way that I can. For now I'll be lending some @brofi votes when I can, and maybe imparting some advice here and there!

Hoping it makes some waves.

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