The Master Key To Unlocking Your Natal Chart Power

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In What is a Natal Chart I discuss the main idea behind a natal chart. In this entry, we’re going to dive a bit deeper into what exactly your natality represents and how to utilize this knowledge and wisdom to bring balance from imbalance, into your life.

This is the introspective aspect of astrology that in my estimation, a majority of students and practitioners are missing. As above so below also means as within so without. Meaning internal discord projects outward. Let me give you an example.

A man raised with a debilitated and poorly aspected moon in Capricorn has a personal conflict with the idea of self-nurturing, self-care, and the divine feminine. This idea is too “soft” to him. He can’t seem to get along with the women in his life. Maybe even chastising the most feminine women in his life as being weak or preying on this characteristic. Possibly even subconsciously seeking out one of these women (such as a Cancer) because she brings him balance. But it’s an ambivalent pairing wrought with conflict.

It could be as simple as he doesn’t know how to value what attributes she brings and looks outside of marriage or the relationship to get it.

He doesn’t respect her despite being attracted to her. This relationship crash and burns. This man can’t understand why this is, places blame squarely on her and repeats this scenario with the next woman he gets into a relationship with.

This requires the building of his own temple. Rebalancing what’s inside in order to fix his own outer world. But in order to accomplish this, some self-awareness and work is needed.

Animus and Anima

You may have heard this Carl Jung term before. Possibly being used in a phrase like “She has animus built up inside.” This term is Animus comes from Animal which means having the spirit of an animal. Having the spirit of the animal inside directly goes into your natality. The air signs are the only element that contains no animals. This is because air represents the aether, the mind. Air is fundamentally conflict-averse and why the masculine “god” planets; Sun, Mars, and Jupiter are all weakest in their respective air signs.

So when a person says animus is built up inside of them, it can literally be interpreted as two animals are in conflict within them. Maybe they have a natal Venus in Capricorn squaring Mars in Aries (Ram butting heads with a goat). They can’t seem to get along socially with others. So they’ve projected an internal conflict onto the external by saying “everyone is fake” or “I hate people”. This is self-hate or internal conflict masquerading as disgust for others.

The common denominator is them. Once again, reflection is required.

To read this article in its entirety, head over to my website :

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