Enjoyable experience -picking the cranberry fruits and blended it into juice

Have you tried doing things that you really enjoy? Well I'm telling you, that's how I feel at this moment. Have a great day to all of us hivers!

It was afternoon when I visited my friend on their house. When I was on their gate, I was surprised and found out the attracting fruits that at first I didn't know what it was. She had plenty of different variety of fruit trees in her surrounding but this one is not familiar with me. I asked my friend about it and she told me that it was a cranberry plant. Wow! First time in my life!


Have you seen a cranberry plant? I know that some of us are not familiar with this plant because it is not native in our locality. For my 44th year existence of this planet I only seen this cranberry plant, that is why I found it amazing.


There are many ripe cranberry fruits from the tree, so we picked it up and put in a plastic. We chose to pick the dark purple fruits. We have so much fun in picking it up. I felt like I am a child doing that work full of eagerness and excitement. I have to be careful because there are thorns between its branches.


What I gonna do with the fruits? I tried to taste the fruit but to my surprised it was very sour and a little bitter. I know children wouldn't like to taste it. It looks attractive but if we compare it to guava it would make a difference. For sure this one is good for a juice only.

I have seen a cranberry juice from the mall and it was quite expensive. That I seldom buy because of the tight budget. Now I have the chance to make my own juice.

I know that there are lots of vitamins that we can get from the cranberry juice. Drinking it will definitely boost our immune system and protect us from any illnesses. So I planned to make my own juice and hopefully I can serve it to my daughters.


Here it is! Looks like a Java Plum (duhat) but it tasted differently. The only problem with this cranberry is we cant eat this one directly. Instead we have to spend time in extracting juice from the fruit. Whatever efforts you gonna exert I know it is worthy.


I separated the seeds from its fruits so that it won't taste so much bitter. I put the flesh of the fruit into the plastic container. I used only half of the harvested fruits because it will be over if I put everything in the blender.


I put some water into the container so that the blender will turn and I can get more juices from extracting it. I am very excited for the result, I want to try my first ever cranberry juice.


Almost done I let the blender turns for 1 minute only until it was totally fine. I've got the container from the blender and I used a strainer to filter the juice from the flesh and skin of the fruits.

Patiently getting the juice until I am done in doing it. I got 1 full of glass that was very thick, I think I need more water to dilute the juice.


I always wanted to prepare a nutritious juice for my daughters but sometimes I dont have fruits to blend. So this time I did an expirement in extracting the juice. From its color I wanted to taste the juice right away.

To enhance the flavor I put a little honey into the juice and a little ice. Stirring the mixture in a few seconds will totally give the better taste.

It is better to make our own juice because there is an assurance that it is really nutritious and healthy that is good for our body.

Thanks for dropping by, until next time!

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