Delicious “Bananas, Oatmeal and Peach Smoothie”

Hello friends, today I want to share with you a wonderful banana oatmeal and peach smoothie, really, if you have not tried a smoothie with these ingredients, I recommend it to you, it is super delicious and nutritious. The consistency of this smoothie is thick, because I previously soaked the oats, which will make the smoothie thicken. I also want to tell you that this shake does not contain milk, so it is ideal for people who suffer from lactose intolerance.


Delicious “Bananas, Oatmeal and Peach Smoothie”

This smoothie is easy to prepare, the process consists of soaking the oats in warm water for 30 minutes, then we chop the banana and the peach into small pieces and after soaking the oats, we pour all these ingredients into the blender and add two and a half glasses of cold water.

We can add sugar to taste, in this case, I will not use sugar, but if I will use something sweet that is: "Peach syrup" made at home.

Ingredients for 3 glasses of this smoothie:

  • Two ripe bananas
  • Two peaches
  • 10 tablespoons of rolled oats
  • Two and a half glasses of cold water
  • Sugar to taste
  • Peach syrup


Soaking the oats:


The pieces of banana and peach:


Pour all the ingredients into the blender glass with a glass and a half of water:


Blending the ingredients:


Serve the smoothie and add a touch of peach syrup:



Well friends, I hope you liked this recipe and put it into practice, and as I told you at the beginning, this shake is prepared without milk, which makes it ideal for people who suffer from lactose intolerance, this shake It is very nutritious to start the day or after exercising, since it is rich in potassium, vitamin C E and minerals such as iron, selenium, manganese, as well as fiber.

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