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Guava juice quenches thirst in a new way. Real amazing thirst sensation.

Everyone.I am @mdakash62

Friends,Grettings everyone

Hello drinks lover friends with #amazingdrinks community.I hope to God you are having a wonderful time with the Hive family through hard work.I have chosen this fruit to satisfy the thirst of all of us. Let us prepare guava juice in a new way. Effective for people's good health and thirst quenching. Let's do Canva.
Cover Created By Canva
We all need to eat seasonal fruits to stay healthy.Different varieties of guavas are usually available in the market at this time.These guavas are usually unique in taste and texture. Guava generally contains calcium, manganese,and potassium in abundance.This guava is able to provide a lot of calories to the human body.Guava in particular helps boost immunity.With double vitamin C, helps to boost the immune system, especially works to ward off virus attacks.If the body is ever weak or prone to various diseases,you must eat guava. Guava contains a lot of energy.Let us follow the steps below and present each step nicely.


  • A piece of guava
  • Amount of salt
  • 180 grams of water
  • 50/60 grams of sugar
  • A pinch of salt

Step by step making plan



First I took all the necessary tools including guava.After that I washed the guava well and peeled it.Since the blender is small, I cut it into smaller pieces with a knife.


Then I put the guavas in the jug of the blender

Then I added side grams of sugar. I gave a pinch of salt.


Next I added guava juice to bring out the extra flavor.I used a pinch of beet salt.If you want, you can use half the quantity of mild green chillies.



Then I added 180 grams of water. Then I put the lid of the jug on the blender for blending.



I then put the blender jug ​​in the blender.

Then I blended it well.Then I opened the lid and checked if it was blended well.Generally guava seeds are not blended.



Then I took a glass.I kept the glass down and strained the juices.Then I tried to save the seeds.Because these seeds are not pureed in a blender.These seeds are suitable for planting.


This is final making process


Finally our guava juice is ready.You can find one way to satisfy Krishna by making a juice that follows all these steps.I hope you all enjoy making and drinking this wonderful juice.All your physical weaknesses are removed



Selfie with my making idea

Thank you for reading my creative article blog .Stay safe,stay happy.i think if you find any mistake in writing or something. Please allow me to correct it.And find me on social media.

Class#juice #photography
DeviceTecno spark 48 Ultra sensing all camera

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All Prepared by @mdakash62
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