Make smoothies with 3 kinds of fruit and Yakult

It's a sunny or rather hot afternoon. In weather like this, the body will become dehydrated very quickly and at times like this, I usually have to consume more fruit and vegetables so that my skin doesn't dry out, especially the lip area which peels very easily even though I have used lip vitamins. However, it turns out that prevention from the outside alone is not enough. There must be intake from within to make it more balanced, namely with adequate intake. In my house there are several tropical fruit trees and several green vegetables which are very good for making juice or smoothies but currently I have a lot of papaya fruit and they die on the tree every day alternately.

And because we currently have a lot of papaya, peeled papaya can last up to 3 days. And right now I saw that there was a little papaya left and I was too lazy to consume it again without processing it so I would make smoothies from a combination of 3 fruits, namely papaya, pineapple and watermelon and a mixture of Yakult to add freshness because personally I prefer it. smoothies or juices that have a slightly sour and naturally sweet taste without added sugar and honey.

I made these smoothies without measuring and I only estimated them and what is clear is without ice cubes, but if you make these smoothies you can add ice cubes and add honey or granulated sugar, everything is fine, the important thing is that there is a healthy intake that goes into it. in our bodies do you agree with this?

The ingredients I need to make these smoothies are:

1. Papaya fruit

2. Pineapple
3. Watermelon

4. Yakult (1 bottle of Yakult which must be cold because the good bacteria will not be lost)

5. 1 glass of water

How to make :

Actually, it doesn't matter what kind of fruit we put in first because it will all be blended into one, but for now it's not a problem for me to do the steps for making these smoothies.

First step: cut the papaya into small pieces and put it in the blender

Step two: cut the pineapple without removing the bones, and put it in a blender

Step three: cut the watermelon and separate the flesh from the skin then combine with the two ingredients in a blender

Fourth step: The next step is to mix 1 bottle of Yakult

Step Five: mix the water then blend until smooth with 2 to 3 blending processes so that there are no fruits that are not yet soft

Step six: pour into a glass and enjoy

It's not as difficult as what we think if we want to live a healthy life, but often it's just laziness that's in our minds. Healthy greetings and stay healthy to all of you.
Maytom, Indonesia

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