Make Cholesterol-lowering green juice: green mustard and pineapple juice without sugar

Hello HIVE friends, everyone is very happy that today I can share again with all of you in this community, and tonight I will share healthy juice recipes that we have actually seen very often in this community. and tonight I want to make mustard greens juice for myself to consume without my husband, because he doesn't like vegetables that are made into juice, it tastes weird and doesn't enter my husband's tongue and at first my judgment was like that for this green juice, even though almost every day my friends suggest consuming this juice to reduce cholesterol, but I still didn't dare to try it until today I made it and tasted it myself.

This July is the Feast of Sacrifice for Muslims where meat consumption is definitely much more than other months, and actually it's not the meat's fault but the people who eat it, why can I say that? Because most Indonesians are too lazy to exercise and eat a balanced diet, they only care about the stomach for one word, 'full'. Without thinking about the number of calories that go in and out of the body and it seems like I'm almost the same way after these few months I realized that I have to adopt a healthy lifestyle for investing in my life going forward.

For the first time, I made mustard green juice with the addition of pineapple, at first I was very hesitant to drink it, especially since I made this juice without added sugar and ice cubes, it's really very fresh, but after I made it and tasted it a little, I became more bold and the taste is not bad, this is a pretty good juice with extraordinary benefits for the body, of course. And I only make this juice with only two main ingredients plus water, of course.

The two main ingredients of this green juice are :

1. 1 Fresh green collard stump
I purposely used mustard greens instead of baby coi mustard or bitter mustard, and the amount was far less than the amount of pineapple I used so that the fruit taste was much stronger than the mustard taste.

2. 2 pieces of pineapple
As explained above, I used more pineapples to make the fruit taste better so that the juice I made tasted much fresher and naturally sweeter because there was no added sugar and artificial sweeteners here.

3. 100 ml of water
In this juice I only use a little water so that the juice I make is much thicker.

How to make :

1. Just take the green mustard leaves, but if you want to join the stems that's not a problem, then I wash the mustard leaves that I have chosen with boiled water so that there is no dirt and small animals and bad bacteria that stick to the mustard greens, because mustard greens which are bought in the market must have been exposed to pesticides and other chemical fertilizers. Then after cleaning, put it in the blender

2. Cut the pineapple in half and then split it again into 2 long pieces. It is these two pieces that I make juice for, of course I have peeled the pineapple, friends, then put it in the blender along with the mustard greens that was added earlier.

3. After that, put the water in the blender and grind it until smooth.

The juice is finished and I enjoy it, I hope my cholesterol can return to normal, after consuming this juice several times, good luck for the others and greetings from us Tomi and Maya from Binjai, Indonesia and please follow our posts.

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