Quench Your Thirst with Sakanji (Lemon Drink)

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Hello all leo lover and foodie friends, I hope you all are healthy and happy. We are in the month of march or I better say will be in April in couple of days. The wather jas already changed a lot in last frew days. In the start of this week we were celebrating the festival of colors- Holi. After the Lohri normaly the days become more warmy and we called it end of winter but this time the winter seasone increased slightly.

Now the temperatures in day time is increased and we can feel it if we are in the open sun area. Even in our office the centerlized air cooling syatems has also been started. The june and july is peak summer seson here so we still left two months for same. The major problem during the summer season is dehydration. The surrounding heat take the water our form the body in the form sweating and it also becomes the season for decrease of salt level in body. To its very essential to be hydrated during summer.

We used to make Sakanji in summer seasone and it is very similar to the lemon soda (but without soda). It is very easy to prepare and took only 5 tp 10 minutes. Very refreshing and energetic drink for make the body hydrated and keep the heat away. This is perfect drink fot quenching you thirst.

Lets start...

The ingredient required are very easy to find th our kitchen so you do not have to go outide for ingredients. The main part is lemon. The other three requirements are water, sugar and salt.

Pour the water in one forth of glass and do not use the chilled or cold water. Nomal water will be the best and it has scientific reason behind.

The first steop is to add sugar in water and mix it. The cold water is not good option to mix the sugar as it will take lot of time for mixing. So alwasy use normal or luke warm water.

If mixed well them no need ti use the strainer so rotate the spoon well in glass. For one glass I prefer to use one and half spoon of sugar. You may increase or decrease as per your taste.

Next step is adding salt. The quantity is one fort of spoon. In this I am using the white salt but you can use the block rock slalt also. The black rock salt taste good then the white salt. Additional you can put the black paper but in a samall quantity.

Next is stir the mix well so that all ingredients should dissolve well.

Now is the time to add lemon juice. Take out the seed or use the strainer.

Mix it again and your Sakanji or lemon juice is ready.

You may decorate it wil slice of lemon and stray.

In addition to it mint also be one ingredients you may add which also give a nice taste.

Hope you will like the drink. The lemon is refreshing and has good value for body. The mix sugar and salt give it a differet taste. Make sure the sugar content should be more then the salt. A must try drink for summer.

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