galaxy telang drink recipe

Amazing Drinks
galaxy drink


Hello friends everyone hive lovers 🥰

come back with me, it's very unfortunate that these days my baby has a cold and I also have a fever, so I don't have time to post in this beloved community, but I'm very grateful that my baby and I are starting to recover and can do activities as usual

Indeed, at my place recently the weather has been unfriendly, sometimes it is sunny and suddenly it rains, I am very sad because I cannot share posts with all my friends, but this time I want to make a butterfly pea flower drink in my garden, but processed This time the butterfly pea flower is a little unique from the usual, I've also seen a drink like this a few times. They call it the Galaxy drink, maybe because of the beautiful color

how to make a galaxy telang drink:


10 dried butterfly pea flowers
5 tablespoons sugar (to taste)
50 ml of cocopandan syrup
200ml hot water
100ml sprites

how to make :

(1) the first step is brewing the butterfly pea, the method of brewing it is the same as brewing tea, but here I use the butterfly pea flower which I have dried


(2) brew for about 10 minutes later the blue color will come out, and after that add a little sugar (optional)


(3) then add cocopandan syrup, and after that add ice cubes and then add sprite and then also add blue butterfly pea flower tea later the color will change to purple when mixed with acid, very unique not a very good color from this beauty


Here are some photos after it is finished


After stirring, it changes color again



That's all for my post this time, I hope you like the Galaxy Telang drink recipe that I shared, and don't forget to try this recipe friends

See you in the next post friends

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