Caturday Cat Ranch Pookyville Style =^,,^=



My pet human just jumped in that bright orange noisy little machine He calls a "Hotrod" and out the gate of the Pookyville Cat Ranch. they rumbled.

Why would they leave without me?!?

Sammi Stang 2020-07-04.jpg

Leather Seats my Cats Ass.!!

They used to take me with them in the old mustang..? And yes it had leather interior too. So that is the lamest excuse EVER.!!

Here I am in the 2007 Mustang...

Mustang Sammi (2) 2015.jpg

My Kitty P.O.V.

He has several of these things you tap your paws on and it makes words. And when my pet human leaves one laying around. I am gonna tap, tap, tap away on it giving you my @krazzy-kitty's Point of View. Being carefool not to scratch the screen of course.


Now it might seem that I am the kind of Cat that complains about everything. But that is simply not true. I put up with a whole kit-n-kaboodle of you humans shenanigans every day. Things like lack of non stop worship. Food bowls that are not always full. You feed us, that is why we let you live. That annoying cat voice you talk to us in. We are not "cootchy cootchy coo babies!" So knock off the Pee Wee Herman, Sponge Bob Square Pants voices. Ya'll sound STUPID.!!

Yes, You too @manorvillemike lol

You know you talk to Scary Mary and Dexter in a silly little girls voice. My human can't help himself either. You Cat people are weak. And this is why we rule over you.

I am Co-Pilot only because I do not have opposable thumbs and cannot reach the pedals. As you see in this next photo, I am thee back of the seat driver...

A Back of the Seat Driver 2020-07-08.jpg

Well now I have to wrap this post up. As I think my pet human may be watching me on the ADT surveillance cam. He thinks I do not know about it...

Sammi Jo Bartop.jpg

Thank 2 All U Humans for stopping by to see things from this Kittys Point of View.

Sammi Eyes.jpg

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