Expensive cat, the drama continues


↑This is where we left off Thursday leaving the Vets office↑

Yesterday was a heartbreaking morning. He was chipper and comparatively playful, until He saw the pet carrier.
Then He ran from me, I eventually had to move a sofa to get to him,. keeping in mind how painful all this must have been for him.
Then he cried 5 times more than yesterday, all the way there. We had a wait, so I tried speaking to him some, but eventually I covered the carrier with a sheet, closed the door, walked around the corner and cried, literally cried out loud with tears running down my face..

I left him with the Vet, took care of some errands.

The doc called, and said he did well. BUT, when he gets home he will have to be an INSIDE CAT for SIX WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG how are we going to get through this?

I knew it would be cumbersome, but WHY is it so LONG?
I had pain med pills to put in his food

I also bought some Feliway Pheromone diffuser

Feliway is a product that mimics a chemical that cats emit through the glands on their faces when they are feeling calm and want to communicate that to other cats in the area. This pheromone works on cats' brains to calm them down and help relieve stress and anxiety. As an analog of this special calming pheromone, Feliway can also help cats feel peaceful.



Most of the evening went surprisingly well. He ate, he slept, he let me pet him and he purred when I did.
I watched him try to get into the litter box he'd used that morning, but he couldn't swing the cast over the edge, so I created a shallower and wider thing for him to use

And he did use it, to pee

Then he went to sleep in the dining room again


I went to sleep, but at 4 am He woke me up loudly crying OUT!!

I followed him around and tried petting him, which he stopped to let me, and purred, but continued his roaming and crying out.
Tommy had to SHIT very badly, and would not even try to use the litter box facilities for that. He had always gone out that time of the morning to do his business
I went back to bed, and heard him pounding with his cast, but never in my wildest dreams did I think he could have broken through the locked and taped shut pet door, but he did, because he was gone out when I got up


I went been up the street in the direction he would most likely have gone, looking for any bloody carcass or blue and tan color in the roadside bushes (his cast) trespassed in my neighbors yard, looking under their porch and vehicles, trespassed so I could look across the middle neighbor's back yard, walked ALL the way around my fenced area, front and back yards, turned on the light and looked in the garage, even got a flashlight and on my hands and knees looked under the studio building.
No sign anywhere. I hope he is alive somewhere safe chewing off that $210 cast.
My love and money was on the run. I continued looking and calling until finally

I had been around that building twice, calling and looking, even got down on my hands and knees with a flashlight to look under, not finding him.
I never thought to look behind that wood leaning against the building, and still don't know if that is where he was

I brought his food bowl out (with the uneaten pain pill) and he did eat it, so now the last I saw of him

At least he doesn't seem to be trying to chew the cast off, which is a good thing.
I can't decide if I want to MAKE him come in again, or just let him do his thing, since he seems intent on doing so anyway.

My "Sledghammer Paw" Cat"

aka Expensive Cat II

Jerry E Smith
All images original
Taken with my cellphone


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