Lepota je u jednostavnosti 🍊🎁 Beauty is in simplicity 🍊🎁

Svaki put kada imam priliku izražavam se kroz kreativnost. Kad kupujem poklone prijateljima ili rodbini, uz kupljeni poklon obavezno nešto napravim sama. Nekada vidim nešto interesantno na društvenim mrežama ali najčešće volim da izmislim sama. Nećete verovati koliko ljudi vole da se iznenade nečim što nikada ranije nisu videli iako taj dar često ne košta skoro ništa. Upravo je u tome lepota. . . U jednostavnosti. U njega upakujete ljubav i posvećenost. 💌🪅❤️

Every time I have the opportunity I express myself through creativity. When I buy gifts for friends or relatives, I must make something myself along with the purchased gift. Sometimes I see something interesting on social networks, but most of the time I like to invent it myself. You won't believe how much people love to be surprised by something they've never seen before, even though that gift often costs next to nothing. That's exactly the beauty of it. . . In simplicity. You pack love and commitment into it. 💌 ❤️

Danas ću vam pokazati kako da napravite predivan vitaminski venac! Zašto vitaminski? Pa zato što se pravi od voća! Najlepše izgleda kada se napravi sa narandzom ili mandarinama. 🍊🍊🍊🍊

Today I'm going to show you how to make a beautiful vitamin wreath! Why vitamin? Well, because it is made from fruit! It looks best when made with orange or tangerines. 🍊🍊🍊🍊
We begin.

Potrebne su vam 5, 6 mandarina ( lakše je sa njima ). Broj mandarina zavisi od toga koliko veliki venčić želite da bude. Zatim veći celofan, makaze, rafija ( suva trava), crvena traka, i ako imate neki ukras. Ja sam pripremila mašnicu.

You need 5, 6 tangerines (it's easier with them). The number of mandarins depends on how big you want the wreath to be. Then larger cellophane, scissors, raffia (dry grass), red tape, and if you have any decorations. I prepared the bow.


Isecite celofan u širu traku da možete uviti mandarine u palačinku.

Cut the cellophane into a wider strip so that you can wrap the tangerines in the pancake.






Kada ste umotali mandarine, zavežite prvi kraj celofana sa jedne strane, a zatim isto vežite rafijom ( na mom jeziku se kaže rafija ), izmedju svih mandarina. Izgledaće kao vozić.

When you have wrapped the mandarins, tie the first end of the cellophane on one side, and then tie the same with raffia (in my language it is called raffia), between all the mandarins. It will look like a cart.




Kada ste završili sa vezivanjem, savijte “voz” mandarina u venac.
Na mestu koji se spajaju dva kraja, vežite crvenom trakom.

When you have finished tying, fold the "train" of tangerines into a wreath.
At the point where the two ends meet, tie with a red ribbon.




After you have tied and joined the ends, cut off the excess raffia (dry grass).


Venčić je skoro gotov. Ostalo je da stavite neki ukras. Možete staviti lampion za jelku, ukrasnu traku- ja sam imala mašnicu.

The wreath is almost finished. All you have to do is add some decoration. You can put a lantern for the Christmas tree, decorative ribbon - I had a bow.





Iza mašnice je elastična źica kojom sam zakačila mašnicu. Vi možete koncem vezati bilo kakav ukras.
Naravno, venac od mandarina je lep i bez ukrasa ali je lepo kad se ukrasi. Zavisi od ukusa.Venčić je gotov!

Behind the bow is an elastic cord with which I attached the bow. You can tie any decoration with thread.
Of course, a mandarin wreath is beautiful without decorations, but it is beautiful when it is decorated. It depends on the taste. The wreath is ready!






Ako ste venčić pravili za sebe, možete ga okačiti na vrata, pored jelke, držati na stolu. Dovoljno je da napravite i već ćete osetiti zadovoljstvo, gde god da ga stavite i kome god da ga poklonite!
Nadam se da vam je ovaj vitaminski venčić osvežio i ulepšao dan! 🍊🎁🍊🎁🍊🎁

If you made the wreath for yourself, you can hang it on the door, next to the Christmas tree, keep it on the table. It is enough to make it and you will already feel the satisfaction, wherever you put it and whoever you give it to!
I hope this vitamin wreath refreshed and brightened your day! 🍊🎁🍊🎁🍊🎁

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!

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