Our ant famiy lives with us for about 1,5 year. At fist there were about 10 of them: Mother-Queen and her 10 kids.
Now there are some hundreds of them!

And of course their first house has become too little.
We wanted to buy a new one for them, but a big ant house costs rather much. Moreover, we've a 3D-printer, and we like DIY-things, so we decided to make it by ourselves.

We were studying designs and new rules of ant houses long. Then we were thinking, what form it would have, what would be inside, what size etc... It was a long and creative proicess.
Then my hubby made a 3D-model of it, and only then we started printing.

Actually, the size was so big, that we spent more than 700g of filament!
Including a house and all necessary things inside.

Then we had to order a transparent cover for it that will alow us to see the life. My boy still likes to look how they live, what they do. He feeds them, brings them insects from the street, compares what they love more and less. They are his pets;)

Now I will show you their new DIY-house:

here it's ready

but at first all parts were separate

it's their labyrinth

it's a part where they eat, walk and investigate everything

it's a marble filament for their feeder and decorations

a thing for food

for food or water

it's a kind of well that will give them water and necessary humidity

So, guys, now it's time for moving to a new house!
a very exciting moment.... I hope we will succeed;)

I will tell you in some days about it;)

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