Baby Unicorn😘


Hopefully you all are doing well I am very happy and also excited to come here again and I am participating in the weekly contest of @splinterlands. Today I am again here with a new and aesthetic post as o l today I tried to made the Mini Unicorn with the help of the white and sky blue clay it was not too much easy it took a lot of efforts and I also spend one or on it it was not at two much difficult but I tried in different ways to make it at last I got it wave in which I had done so I had said the final look of my mini unicorn and here.

     **Final Look**


White clay

Sky blue clay


First of all I took a little amount of fight clay in my hand I try to make a circle of the white clay I am going to try the body structure of the Mini Unicorn or baby Unicorn I had share the picture of the circle here I had shown in video how I made the circle.

Then I started to roll it up in the horizontally I gave it a shape of the slumdrical type around its structure in a length I can't explain my words but I had Shawn here.

I folded this cylindrical shape into specific wave I made the neck and the belly type structure of the baby Unicorn from this cylindrical types structure let me show you here.

Then I took a little amount of fight clay and started to give the shape of the mouth of baby Unicorn I attached the face and the body structure together let me show you.

Then I made a white scare with white clay and a sky blue scare with sky clay smaller than the white square I attached the both. Let me show you.

Then I cut it from the centre and attached to the head of the maybe Unicorn as his ears then I started to took a large amount of white clay and started to give a thin cylindrical shape to it.

Then I start it to cut it into for equal pieces as the legs of the baby Unicorn.

Then I started to attach the blue f𝒆𝒆𝒕. types structures on the white legs.

Then I attached these legs to the body of the baby Unicorn now we can see that it is looking like a horse but not exact there is something missing so let me to complete it.

I took a too much little amount of sky blue clay and started to give it as a line shape I attached these lines on the head of the baby Unicorn as the hairs I at as a lot of lines as we a lot of hairs on the head of baby Unicorn.

Then I started to make detail with the same lines in a specific way I attached the lines on the back of the baby Unicorn and study to fold it and attached with one together.

Now it is almost completed I attached a horn on the face types structure of the baby Unicorn now it is completed let me show the final look here.

I hope you will like it a lot I will come back soon here within some days.

Thank you so much for visiting my post and loving it a lot

Allah Hafiz and Take Care

See you later guys

Love a lot

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