Some of the Jewelry I have made in the last year pt.2

Hey all me again, wanted to share a piece of DIY jewelry I did. This one is much simpler process wise, no casting really, and all it required was an map torch. I got mine at Home Depot for like $40. Anyway I call this one Lost Time, kind of a deconstructed wristwatch. To me at least it seems more and more that watches don’t exist to tell time they just exist to signal status. The original utility of the timepiece has been supplanted by aesthetics and what once was the technical paradigm shift that allowed transoceanic travel routes to be explored for the first time is now no more significant than a bow in your hair. So why not just torch the whole thing?

And so I did.


Really came it cool for something which was a complete gamble, what was once a 1929 Bulova Imperiale ladies wristwatch is twisted and contorted into a protest against the concept of time itself.

Really fun to make too, just started melting the watch glass and movement and all, added some little bits of scrap gold and silver to fill in some places and add more shrapnel when needed. In the end it’s one of my favorite pieces as crude and simplistic as it is.






Of the four pieces I put up for sale on Mercari, this brutalist statement piece that I thought would never sold was the first to find a home with a really enthusiastic buyer :) very satisfying. Anyway goes to show you the value of a piece is the value your audience sees in it rather than whatever subjective interior criteria you hold your own work to, never hesitate to experiment wildly and exhibit your work publicly. You never know which pieces hit and which miss if you never throw them to the public for scrutiny. Can be psychologically daunting I know but the worst thing that can happen is nothing, seriously, no response is worst case scenario, everything else is good everything else is exposure.

Anyway hope you liked this installment and hope you all have a great night!

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