Fan-Art Illustration of RUNEMANCER FLORRE. Splinterlands Weekly Art Contest.

Hey All

How Are You?

I hope and pray that you all are well and living a happy healthy life. I'm really touched to see how much you guys appreciate my work and it truly inspires me. And today I'm back again with another one of my artwork. This one is also a fan-art drawing of a monster of @splinterlands. I did this drawing in my own way while following the main drawing in mind.

I drew this one to participate in the weekly art contest arranged by @splinterlands. I'll attach the link to the contest below so that you can check it out too. I'll also share both my drawing and the original image including the steps of my drawing below for you to understand and judge my drawing properly.


  • As it is fan art of a real Splinterlands character, I really can't claim it as my creation. I tried my ideas and imagination to draw it and now share it with you all. The main objective is to share my idea with everyone and see if they like it or not while participating in the contest. And you will also notice that this time I made some major changes in the drawing. So let me know your feedback on it.

My Fan Art


Original Image

Runemancer Florre.png


  • A4-sized offset paper.
  • 2B pencil.
  • 4B pencil.
  • Colored Pencils.
  • Water Colour.

My Drawing Steps:

  • First of all, I used a 2B pencil to draw out a structure base for my drawing. I drew the main lines of her body, including the hair shape. Then according to those main lines, I started using my colored pencil to finalize the drawing step by step. First of all, I drew her eyebrows and eyes and then her full face. To draw the eyebrows and eyelashes, I used colored pencils. I also used them to draw her eyes, But, to draw her facial skin tone, I used my watercolor tools as usual. This method is really helpful if you want to draw a skin tone or any drawing smooth looking. It sure takes more time to finish drawing in this way. Because you have to wait a bit for the color to draw out and also to draw some shades you need to re-draw it and again wait for it to get dried.
  • After that I started drawing her jewleries. Especially her earrings and the crown. After that, I started drawing her hair. It took me a while to complete her hair. Because I had to draw them in 3 parts by overlapping a layer with avobe another.
  • Then I started focusing on the final topic. In this part, I drew her hands and then her chest. I also used watercolor in this part as I love to use this method to draw smooth skin tones.


The Final Image


Link to this week's contest:

I really hope that you liked my drawing and enjoyed reading my post. And as always I'm open to any suggestion or criticism. I always try to learn from them. And thanks to the @splinterlands team for arranging such a contest for the artists to show their skills.

Thank You.

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