Doll frock

Hey every one how are you I hope you are all well today I am participating in @diyhub today I am here with a beautiful work I made a doll frock today this idea is came in my mind when my little czn came a roll in my home than I thought I made a doll frock with papers so I tried to made this and I am success full in which its look beautiful and decent l made this frock in specific way with the help of some things it final look is beautiful you are see here final look

I take two color of paper thats color is red and blue , some glue , seazer

First I take a piece of paper the color of paper is red I take red color of paper than I fold it and cut into two piece the red piece of paper is convert into two piece I cut the paper with the help of seazer you are see here

Than I take one piece of red paper and I fold it more and more and its form look like wavi form than I take second piece of red paper and I do same process with it you are see here this form

Than I fold the paper in the uper side this form is look like frock you are see here

Than I take blue paper and I cut a strap of this paper and I attached with the red piece of paper that I made I attached the strap with the help of glue and than I attached both piece of red paper with each other with the help of glue than I cut a other piece of blue paper in this form

Than I fold this paper in specific way and I cut a flower and I attached in the uper side of frock and its final look is ready you are see here

I hope you like it and waiting my next post thank you so much
Allah Hafiz bye by ta ta

Take care

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