Bumble Bee

I hope you are all well . today I am participating in diyhub I am here with a wonderful work Today I made a beautiful bumble bee its looking very beautiful I made this very easily l made bumble bee in different color its look so wonder full I hope you are like it bumble bee looking real here you are see

I take three color of paper , a seazer, a pencil and glue gun the color of paper is black , yallow and pink
Here you are see


First I cut a piece of paper in the square form then I draw a circle in the paper you are see here

Than I cut the paper in the circle form with the help of seazer

Than I cut to piece of paper in like a circle style but it is different than fist circle shape of paper it is the to piece of paper

Then I cut some piece of black paper like strap shap

Than I attehed with the yallow piece of paper with the help of glue gun and I cut the extra strap with the help of seazer then I atteched the small circle with the other circle like piece of paper

Then I cut two piece of pink paper and attached the second circle piece then I draw eye of bee and draw mouth of bee with the help of pencile than I cut two straw of black color paper and attached in the head of bee it look so pretty and naturel I hope you like it its look nice and wonder full
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I hope you like my work and waiting my next post today I do a good and wonder full work thank you so much
Allah Hafiz bye by ta ta
Take care

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