"From Trash to Treasure: Upcycled Cardboard and Paper Wall Hanging".

Hello everyone and hope you all are doing great and enjoying good health. As we all know last month was a beautiful month of World earth day so i am here to celebrate this day with some creativity and love💞💞.
I was planning from a while now that what I can do on this earth day and i
made a wall hanging by using cardboard and old papers.I am sharing this diy for this beautiful occasion because i think i can influence others on this paltform that we can reuse our household things and can reduce waste by not buying new one.

The main idea

The main idea behind this project is reusing.
For me reusing is like a gift to earth.When we are recycling something we are helping our earth by conserving
resources and by reducing waste.Today the waste is increasing rapidly the reason behind it is the inappropriate disposal of wastes.From different kinds of waste i reused old book and cardboard to make myself a beautiful wall hanging and today i am gonna share the whole process with you guys to influence you to reuse the waste.

Things you need

2)old book(papers)

The process

1)Firstly we will cut a cardboard in a circle of diameter of your choice.(depends on how big you want your wall hanging to be)

2)Then we will cut the paper(4 inch square) and fold them and make the shape of a cone(ice cream cone)sort of.I made 40 pieces and your pieces will depend on your cardboard's diameter.

3)Now we will add these cones to the cardboard in layers.First we will start from corners,place them according to shape of cardboard and then we will repeat the process.

And it is ready.

Hope you guys liked my post.
See you soon with some more creations.
Bye Bye 💞💞
Take care

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