Crafting beauty

Hello gorgeous members of @diyhub community, today am thrilled to share with us all one of the hand bracelet I made.

For today's diy, I decided to go for a hand bracelet once again. Making bracelet has indeed become a fun thing for me that I just want to do all the time. It has become one of the things I do especially in free periods and have found joy doing it cause there is never a dull moment doing what one loves to do knowing fully well others love the outcome too. When it comes to making a bracelet for my self I find it difficult doing one for myself and even when I do I end up looking for it why because a friend must have taken it but with my consent though. 🤣 So obviously this particular one would be taken away from me soon.🤣🤣

So to begin with the procedures for the the hand bracelet, these were the materials I used:

*Crystal beads
*white Pearl beads
*Blue seed beads
*Claps (hook)
*Fishing line


Firstly, I cut out some fishing line and that too one long enough to finish the bracelet. After that I then three seed beads first, followed by the claps and then another three seed beads and lastly one pearl bead.

Secondly, I used one of the line and then crossed it over to the other side and then used same line again and inserted it into the pearl bead bring it to the middle in form of a half circle. When I was done, I then tightened the line with the other one and cut out the shorter one since I would be using just a line for the whole bracelet.

Thirdly, i added one crystal, one seed, and one pearl beads followed by one seed and one crystal beads respectively in the line after which I folded the line and passed it into the pearl bead from the initial. To make it firm I inserted the line into the closet beads and unto the top.

Fourtly, I added two crystals, a pearl, and two crystals beads and again passed it into the other pearl bead after which I put one seed beads on both sides by taking the line round.

Fifth, to achieve this step I did same thing like that of the third step by adding one crystal, one seed, and one pearl beads followed by one seed and one crystal beads respectively in the line after which I folded the line and passed it into the pearl bead from the initial. To make it firm I inserted the line into the closet beads and unto the top.

I continued with this procedure till I got the line of the bracelet.

Lastly, I added six seed beads and then tightened the line properly after which I added the claps and cut out the excess line.

Thank you for your time, peace 🕊️

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