Diy : How to Make a cap from cardboard at home

Greetings to everyone in this wonderful community, its @eberechi01 from Nigeria and it's a pleasure to be here with you guys today, as a creator i have discovered that my skill is my power. The ability to create things with my own hands, to put life into an idea and to transform the ordinary into extraordinary is a source of strength and empowerment to me.Through crafting I have developed a range of skills and it has allowed me to express myself in various ways, each craft which I have made requires resilience, patience and dedication to get an accurate result and the sense of accomplishment that I feel when I accomplish a craft is unimaginable. I would love to thank @diyhub for giving me the opportunity to share my skill and creativity in this community and without much wasting of time i will be crafting a cap with the use of cardboard with adequate pictures to prove, Stay tuned.


1 cardboard/carton
2 adhesive gum
3 pencil
4 ruler
5 scissors and
6 black marker pen


step 1

The first thing I did was to get my carton and cut it in a circular shape, and also carefully carved the inside of the circular carton to give me another circular carton as shown below.

step 2

After doing that, I then carved out circumference of the circular carton and began to gum them to it

step 3

After making the framework of the cap, I then took my cardboard and cut it in a Triangular manner and then gum it to the body of the cap.

step 4

After completing the body of the cap, i then attached a small round carton on top and also carved out a piece of the carton off from the back.

step 5

After doing that, I then added some finishing touches to the body of the cap and then cut out the front of the cap and gum it to the body of the cap.

step 6

After that I then make some design and added it to the cap.

Here's my final result and a picture of me and my craft.

I hope you all liked my post, have a lovely day and a blessed week.

All images belongs to me


Best regards

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