My DIY Organic Fertilizer for my Vegetable Plants🌱👍

A pleasant day to all the Hive friends and gents🥰! How are you there? Well, I hope you are all feel amazing and healthy today💕! It's been awhile since I last posted my garden DIYs. So for today, I will be sharing with you my personalized organic fertilizer in which I used in my vegetable plants.


This organic fertilizer is called Banana Peel Fertilizer. I guess, this is not new to your ears but this is my first time making it and using it in my plants. Every time I have banana peels at home before, I usually bury it directly in the soil of my garden but this time it is made to become a liquid fertilizer.

It is very simple to make and the materials needed are easy to find. Here are the steps on how to make a banana peel fertilizer (this is based on my experience doing it😅):


1.Prepare the materials needed such as banana peels, a liter of water, a clean empty container with lid cover.

2.Wash the banana peels and cut it into medium - sized pieces.

3.Place the sliced banana peels in the clean empty plastic container.

4.Pour a liter of clean water but you can add more water until it reaches the same level as the banana peels in the container.



5.Cover the container tightly (I even use a plastic mini- bag to cover first before the lid of the container to make sure it is tightly closed and covered 👍).



6.Place and keep it for 7 days (You can write the date on top of the cover as your guide👍).


IMG20230417112101_01.jpg Tadaahhhh! EASY AND SIMPLE Organic Fertilizer...💕😃

I also demonstrated it to my 7th grade students so that they can make it by themselves next time and use it in their assigned vegetable plants. FYI, I have divided my class into groups and assigned each group one variety of vegetable plant in our garden for them to care of. Anyway, I am still with them every time to facilitate and guide them in caring our garden.

Part of the demonstration is sharing to them information on what banana peels can do to the plants. Well based on what I learned, I told them that banana peels are good source of potassium. Plants especially vegetables need potassium to strengthen its roots so that it can have a strong hold on the soil. It can also help the plants to boost more flowers and bear fruits. The stronger the roots, the better absorption of nutrients, the healthier the plant!🥰

THE APPLICATION (after 7 days)...

On the 8th day I decided to open the container and use the Banana Peel fertilizer. Note: You will know it's good to use if it smells good, not foul.



Separate the the liquid from the banana peels. You can use strainer if available.



Mix 200 mL of Banana Peel Fertilizer in a pail of water (approximately five galloons of water).





And the plants are happy!

That's all for now my friends! I hope you have learned something from this post😅. Soon, I will share with you too my other DIY organic fertilizer made for the garden veggies on my next blog. Thank you so much for the love and support always💕. God bless and see you around!

Big hugs and best regards!

Happy gardening!🥰

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