Country Jewelry Contest (Pakistan)

Hello Everyone

I hope you are all well. This is my first post in the jewelry community and I am very confused. First I read all the community rules thoroughly. Then I read the contest post that was pin in the community. This post of mine is for the Country Jewelry Contest.

As you may know yesterday was Independence Day in our country. We all celebrated the Independence Day with great enthusiasm and all the children hoisted the country's flags. Yesterday the whole country was covered with green and white color because the Pakistani flag is white and green. I also made a beaded bracelet at home yesterday and I used green and white thread to make it because this is the identity of our country's flag.

Let's start the procedure

To make the bracelet we need only four things white thread, white pearls, green thread and a needle. I already had the white thread and white pearls while the green thread I had to buy from the market. We will take five green threads 30 cm long and tie them together. In the same way we will collect five more green threads of 30 cm and 30 cm long will collect five white threads. You can see in the picture how I collect them together.

Now we will make a braid of these three thick threads in the same way girls braid their hair. If you don't know how to make a braid, you can watch my video below how I made it. It's so easy and satisfying and you should definitely try it once.

Everyone likes the culture and customs of their country. Similarly, I also love my country's flag and its colors very much. When I look at this bracelet made of green and white thread, I feel satisfied and happiness.

You can see how beautifully designed it. When you finish the braid, smooth the threads from the bottom with the help of scissor and tie it with a thread so that it does not get damaged. And this thread will also be used to wear this bracelet.

I feel like I can't explain the bracelet making process correctly. That's why I also recorded a video of its processing so that you can understand the process properly. I made this bracelet yesterday and due to network issue I couldn't publish it yesterday.

Now put white thread in the needle and put the white beads one by one on the top of the bracelet which will add more beauty to it. Before I made this bracelet I had no idea I could make it. But now I am happy to see it complete.

It took me about half an hour to complete it. I wore it on my wrist all day yesterday and today I gave this bracelet to a neighbor's kid and he was very happy to receive it. Hope you will like it.


Here is the video:

Hope you like my hard work and creativity. Don't forget to give me feedback. My comment section is always open for you guys and I always reply. Thank you for Glancing on my blog and remember me always with best wishes.


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