Making beautiful bracelet using gold seed bead and red crystal bead for myself as a gift

Good day everyone, is a pleasure to be here once again, how is everyone doing? Hope you all had a nice weekend, is a new week ,I pray may the good Lord favor us all ,in Jesus name, Amen.
Today I will be sharing with you on the steps I use in making this beautiful bracelet using red crystal bead and gold seed bead for myself.

I decided to surprise myself with this beautiful bracelet, just to step up my jewelry so as not to be lacking what to use for any occasion i have.
Let's get to the materials

Red crystal bead,
Gold seed bead,
Fishing line,
Jump ring,
Let's get started with the steps:

Firstly, I cut a long fishing line, with my fishing line, I pick six (6) crystal red bead

I went up through all the six(6) crystal red bead

I tightened it up properly

I went through one crystal red bead

I pick fifteen (15) gold seed bead

I went back through my previous crystal red bead

I went back through one red crystal bed
and tightened it properly

I pick ten(10) gold seed bead, one(1) red crystal bead and another ten(10) gold seed bead.

I went back through one (1) red crystal bead and tightened it properly

I pick fifteen (15) gold seed bead, I went up through my top red crystal bead

I pick another fifteen (15) gold crystal seed bead, and went down through one (1) red red crystal bead. And tightened it properly

Last row, I pick twenty (20) gold seed bead, I went up through my top red crystal bead

I pick another twenty (20) gold seed bead and went down through the previous red crystal seed bead.

I tightened it properly and went up through my first row of gold seed bead which contain ten (10) gold seed bead and
I also went up through one red crystal bead

I pick up five(5) red crystal bead and went back through the previous red crystal bead

I tightened it properly and
I went up through three(3) red crystal bead

I pick up ten(10) gold seed bead,one(1) red crystal bead and another ten(10) gold seed bead.

I went through the previous red crystal bead

I tightened it up properly and I pick fifteen (15) gold seed bead, pass through the previous top red crystal

I pick another fifteen (15) gold seed bead and went down through the previous red crystal bead

Again, I pick twenty (20) gold seed bead and pass through the previous top red crystal bead

I pick another twenty (20) gold seed bead and pass through the previous down red crystal bead

I tightened it up

I went up through the first row that include ten(10) gold seed bead and one(1) red crystal bead.

I continue the process by follow up with the same quantity for each row

I got to the end, I pick five(5) red crystal bead ,and went back through the previous red crystal bead

I tightened it up and pick fifteen (15) gold seed bead , including my hook

I tightened it up by reinforcing round

At the other end ,I insert my jump ring

Here is my bracelet

Hope I tried, the color combinations really fit me well with my dark skin.
Thanks all for going through my blog and also supporting me
I really appreciate.
Happy new week once again.

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