Making beautiful bracelet and falling earrings using pearl beads(white and coloured pearl)

Good day everyone, how is things going with each and everyone of us, I hope everything is going smoothly.
Happy new week to each and everyone of us, it been God all the way, he has brought us this far, from the beginning of this month till today. May his name alone be praised.

Today I want to share with you on how I made this beautiful bracelet and falling earrings.
I so much love the colour combination, is simple and beautiful.
Materials needed

Beads(pearl white and colour )
Fishing line,
Earrings hook

With my materials provided.

I cut one (1) long fishing line,with my long fishing line,I insert my hook.

I tightened it properly.

I insert one (1) coloured pearl bead, then make a cross from my left to right and from my right to left respectively.

I tightened it properly.

With one line, I inserted one(1) pearl white bead and on the other line,I also insert one(1) coloured pearl bead.

I make a cross with one (1) white pearl bead, crossing left to right and from right to left respectively.

I tightened it properly.

Again, with my one (1) fishing line, I insert one(1) coloured pearl bead and the other fishing line I inserted one(1) white pearl bead.

I make a cross with one (1) coloured pearl bead, crossing from left to right and from right to left.

I tightened it properly.

Also, with my one(1) fishing line,i insert one(1) White pearl bead,while on the other fishing line,I inserted one colour pearl bead.

I then make a cross with one(1) white pearl bead, crossing from left to right and from right to left respectively.

I tightened it properly.

I continue the process till I got to the desired length I needed.

I inserted my hook ring and tightened it properly.

Here is my bracelet.

For My Earrings

I cut one (1) long fishing line,with my fishing line, I inserted three (3) pearl bead,two (2) white and one(1) coloured pearl bead.

I then make a cross with one(1) coloured pearl bead, crossing from left to right and from right to left respectively.

I tightened it properly.

Again,I insert one (1) white pearl bead on one(1) fishing line and another one (1) white pearl bead on the remaining fishing line.

I now make a cross with one (1) coloured pearl bead, crossing from my left to right and from right to left respectively.

I tightened it properly.

I continue the process untill I got to desired length I needed for my earrings.

I inserted my earrings hook,and tightened it properly, I then cut the remaining fishing line out.
I continue the same process for my second earrings.

Here is my earrings.

My bracelet and earrings.
I hope I tried
Thanks all for visiting my blog,
I really appreciate.
Happy new week once again to you all .
One love

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