Bracelet and earrings for my church member

Good day everyone,how is everyone doing? i hope you all are doing great today I'm here to share with my beautiful bracelet and earrings for my customer, i love the work I'm doing,last week Sunday i was sampling my work to church after everything, A lady Walk down to asked me pls who is ur jewelry vendors and I smiles abs and she was like why smiling i said nothing i now reply her sister I'm the one The made it for myself and she was going like wow I can't wait for you to made a beautiful bracelet for me too i now said no problem I'm available anytime any moment, we exchange contact and Left, the next day she call and tell me what she wants and I told her to calm down that i will give her exactly what she wants.
I got to the market I bought This beautiful beads, white and red bead to start with,

Here are all the materials required for this beautiful bracelet and earrings

White bead
Pink bead
fishing lines
jump ring
earrings finding

So let get started
firstly I pick up my scissors with my scissors I cut one long fishing line then with the fishing line I pick three white bead, follow with my hook ,


and I then pick up another one white bead with the white
bead,I make a cross,crossing from left to right and from right to left. and tightened it up

then with one side of my fishing line pick up four pink bead and then tightened it up

while on the other side of my fishing line ,I also pink four pink bead and then went back through the first one pink bead and I tightened it properly

I pick up one white bead and cross with it crossing from left to right and from right and I tightened it properly

i then pick up one white bead on one side of my fishing line and another one on the other side then picked one white bead too and cross tightened it from left to right

Also,on the other side of my fishing line,i pick up to four Pink bead and went back through the pink bead and tightened it up,while on the other side,i pick up another four Pink bead and went back through one Pink bead and tightened it properly

I pick up one white bead, with both side and crossed tightened it with white bead too

I pick up another four pink bead and crossed tightened it through the pink bead
And also inserted another four pink bead in the other side still pass through the Pink

I pick another one white bead by the right and left and till Crossed tie it with white

I got the length that I measured so I put my last fou pink bead and crossed tightened it
Also another four pink bead and crossed tightened and inserted White bead and crossed tightened it add my Hook and tightened it very well

Here is my bracelet

For my earrings
I cut my fishing line pick 4 White bead and crossed tightened it

I add my four pink bead by the other side and crossed tightened it, the other side too i added four pink too

Lastly I inserted my white bead two by the right and one by the Left used one and crossed tightened it

I inserted my earring findings and tightened it very well

Here is my earrings

This is my Breaclet and earrings

Thanks for supporting me

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