Making a pearl earing and bracelates

Happy tuesday morning my fellow jewelry lovers ,
I hope the weekend was very much ok , and all the enjoyment was ok. No troubles right?
So today i am going to give a tutorial on how i made this pearl earing and bracelet for my far distance cousin.
Recently i have taken a course on bead making though i am still learning on how to do more of knitting with combination of bead making as well. She is also among the people who contributed money for me to go and acquire this skills. And since this comunity have created an opportunity for me to also be a teacher in this platform i am happy to be among the teachers and also the learners as well.
So she said to be on a phone call last week, cousin i want to see how far u have gone with your training. I want u to make me an earing plus a bracelets. I was so happy because of this. I told her i will give u the best of what i have done so far as a trainee.
I mad this for her and these are the steps i took to archieve this.

Materials used :
Pearl beads
Golden beads
Ear hook
Bracelet hook
Beading thread
Beading needle

The first thing i did was to take a 100cm long thread and put my needle in it so that i will have a fast access to the beads whole. Then i made the next step which was;

I pick three of the pearl beads and then one of the golden beads and the i made a few knots of like 4 to 5 so that it will not loose and then i cut the tail of the thread off.

I go through the golden bead and then come the next step

I pick three of the golden bead, go through the precious golden bead again and my earing started coming out.

I go through the golden bead with the beaded needle, at this point i pick three pearl bead and then i go through the precious golden bead.

I go through the golden bead with the beaded needle again i pick three pearl bead and then i go through the precious golden bead.

I go through the golden bead with the beaded needle, at this point i pick three pearl bead and then i go through the precious golden bead.

So sfter using all the golden bead i reinforced all round to have and efficient shape and that made the first step of the pearl earing

After making the first shape, i go throught the pearl bead, i pick one pearl bead, one golden bead and one pearl bead again, then i go through the top of the pearl bead to bring out the beginig of anotger step.

When i reach the the top golden bead, i took 3 precious golden bead and then go through the precious bead again

From this poin i made use of the previous steps which gave me another shape.

I did the same process repeatedly to have the earing and the bracelets
Thanks guys for going through my little post.

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