Lovely nackpiece for a Sunday service

Hello jewelry lovers.
Happy sunday to everyone,
So i made this peice of necklace for myself to use to church today. I dont know if its just me but there is this joy i have whenever i wear what i make, its gives me the contententment and satisfaction that atleast i make use of what i make.
Self love is what i aim at.
Simple dressing i love it so much.

So these are the materials i used in myaking my necklace.
Pearl beads
Purple sead beads
Beading thread
Beading needle
Neclace hook

These are the steps i uses to make this nacklace a reality.
Normally for me the first i take is usaully putting my needle into the beading thread. So in this particular project i took two needle, bring out my thread up to the length i needed to use, i made a cut and put the needle at each edge of the thread. Then i put one parl bead, one purple sead bead, one parl bead, one purple sead bead, one parl bead, one purple sead bead,making it a total of six bead completly then i mad a knot by intertwing in the middle of the purple sead beads.

Up to the next step
I put one parl bead, one purple sead bead,one pearl bead, i did the same thing to the order thread, then i intrudice another one purple sead beads so that i can use it to intertwin the beads together please dont forget im using two threads for this particular necklace.

Step 3
So when i reach this stage i had make like few steps using the same procedures. I put one pearl beads, one purple sead bead, one pearl bead, three purple sead beads, another one pearl bead and then the last one purple sead beads then i move to the next step.

Step 4
then i go back through the pearl and introduce another three purple sead beads and then put the needle on pearl beads to go back to the begining of the pearl beads.

After that i put one pearl beads in each fishing line, then i put one purple sead beads to make and intertwin.
From this point i was left with following the begining procedures again.
My aim for doing step 4 was the seperate the meddle and have a peandant like nature.

Next step.
I introduce just a single line of the purple seads beads, i put is one each till i had a desired leagth, i did the same thing for the both side and i then introduce my hook at the end. Tadaaaaaaaaa. My nacklace is ready.

Such a beautiful gift I made for myself .
I'm so excited I was able to please myself this much

Thanks @jewelry for this opportunity.
Thank you for visiting my blog
Have a nice sunday everyone .

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