Bracelet | Jewelry

I have been seeing for a long time that people are making great contributions to the jewelry community, and everyone is actively participating.

Last week I thought of joining this community and taking a step into this competitive world. But there is another world beyond this world of competition. I am talking about the physical world from the online platform where I have a separate competition going on. I was busy in my physical life.

Last week I was so busy in my life that I couldn't concentrate here but this week I gave it my best and as soon as Sunday passed I started my hard work on Monday.And I am very happy to make this bracelet.

When I started to make it, I told my sister that I am making this bracelet for you and she was very happy. She was also making videos with me and helping me.

I didn't make it last week because I thought it was such a difficult task that I should stop it now.
But after doing this, I realized that anything in the world is difficult until you take the first step towards it.

The materials I need to make it are red pearls, white pearls, chains and other things that are used inside the bracelet. With the help of my sister I completed it very well.


At first it looked very easy, first I tied the thread with tape so it wouldn't move.

Then I put a pearl in the center and two white pearls on its side two on the right side and two on the left side then after completing both of them I added one red pearl.

I was surprised that she got the shape of the flower from her. This is my sister's genius mind. She twisted the threads and interwoven the beads in such a way that it became a flower shape and I was very happy.

Then I followed the procedure seen by my sister and made two to three more flowers.

In this way these flower beads turned into a string. I thought I should make six flowers at last because I took the size of my sister's arm, according to her arm size I found six. I made a bracelet with 6 flowers on the last.

Then I attached the hook and chain to close it well and now the bracelet is ready in my hand.

It's ready now it's time to put it on my sister. In the video I put this bracelet on my sister.Don't forget to watch the video.I hope you enjoyed my first jewelery making process i also enjoy it very much.

Thank you for being here. That's all for today. Don't forget to review on my first jewelry.

Allah Hafiz 🖤

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